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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学天文学/地球科学Geotechnical_Engineering_for_Disaster_Mitiigation_and_Rehabi



定 价:¥400.00

作 者: 本社 编
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 地球物理学


ISBN: 9787030216342 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 1103 字数:  


  Geotechnical Engineeringjbr Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation presentsthe latest developments and case studies in the field. All contributions to thisproceedings were rigorously reviewed to cover the newest developments illdisasters related to earthquakes, landslides and slopes, soil dynamics, riskassessment and management, disaster mitigation and rehabilitation, andothers, lhe book will be a useful reference for geotechnical scientists,engineers and professionals in these areas.




Qian Jiahuan Lecture
 Flow Slides of Underwater Sand Deposits in Jamuna River Bed
 Keynote and Special Invited Plenary Lectures
 Interaction Between Eurocode 7一Geotechnical Design
 and Eurocode 8——Design for Earthquake Resistance of Foundations
 Liquefaction Mitigation Of Sand Deposits by Granular Piles—An Overview
 Estimation of Liquefaction—Induced Settlement of River
 Dikes and Their Effect in Lowland Area During Earthquakes
 Mitigation of Sei smic Damage of River Dikes
 Some Aspects of the Mitigations and RehabilitationsofNatural Disasters in Malaysia
 Seismic Performance Evaluation of Geotechnical Structures
Invited or Special Session Lectures
 Debris-Budget-Based Debris—Flow Susceptibility Analysis
 Geosynthetic Reinforcement for Riverside Slope StabilityofLevees due to Rapid Drawdown
Study on Earthquake and Typhoon Induced RegionalDebris Flows in Ta-Chia River, Taiwan
 Instrumented Full'Scale Test and Numerical Analysis to InvestigatePerformance of Bamboo Pile-Mattress System as Soil ReinforcementFor Coastal Embankment on Soft Clay
 Progressive Damage Simulation of Foundation Pile of The ShowaBridge Caused by Lateral Spreading During the 1964 Niigata Earthquake
 Earthquake-Induced Submarine Landslides in View of Void Redistribution
 Landslide Hazard Mapping Using Monte Carlo Simulation- ACase Study in Taiwan
 Statistical Evaluation for Strength of Pile by Deep Mixing Method
 Limited Flow Behaviour of Sand with Fines underMonotonic and Cyclic Loading
 Travel Distance of Debris Flows Triggered by Slope Failures Hideki Ohta, Hirohiko Kusaka, Yutaka Miura,
 Some Numerical Considerations in Unsaturated SlopeStability Analysis due to Rainfall Infiltration
 Probabilistic Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Analysis for DesignCriteria and Disaster Mitigation in Rehabilitation and Reconstructionof a Coastal Area in City of Banda Aceh
 Some Case Studies on Debris Flow in Peninsular Malaysia
Earthquakes and soil dynamics
Risk assessment and management
Author index
