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Management Accounting(Second editong)

Management Accounting(Second editong)

定 价:¥46.00

作 者: Michael L.Werner 著
出版社: 立信会计出版社
标 签: 管理 管理会计 会计


ISBN: 9787542943323 出版时间: 2014-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 361 字数:  




  Dr. Michael Werner ,is the Director of Accounting Master' s Programs at the School of Business Administration at the University of Miami and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Accounting at the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University. Werner is a Certified Public Accountant and the CEO of Pitman Photo Supply and Werner Hollingsworth, both located in the United States. Werner is an author with Li Xin Accounting Publishing House, Kendall Hunt Publishing, and Pearson/Prentice Hall with over 15 editions of various financial and managerial accounting textbooks to his credit. In 2000 and again in 2008 Werner was the President of the Florida Association of Accounting Educators and currently serves on its Steering Committee. Werner has a diverse background and is often invited to speak at conferences and universities in the United States and China.


CHAPTER 1 Management Accounting: Its Environment and FutureCHAPTER 2 Classifying CostsCHAPTER 3 Determining Costs of ProductsCHAPTER 4 Cost Allocation and Activity Based CostingCHAPTER 5 Cost BehaviorCHAPTER 6 Business Decisions Using Cost BehaviorCHAPTER 7 Making Decisions Using Relevant InformationCHAPTER 8 The Capital Budget: Evaluating Capital ExpendituresCHAPTER 9 The Operating BudgetCHAPTER 10 Standard CostingCHAPTER 11 Evaluating Performance and Emerging Management and Accounting TechniguesGlossary of Key TermsCompany Index. Management Accounting
