第六章 面试

第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(7)

这些道理没有人告诉过你 作者:杨萃先,颜培程,刘佩,杨凤仙 著

  ledge and expertise to developing new approaches to exploiting these. 判断并利用短期机会。应用自己的知识和技能开发新方法, 以利用这些机会。

  Able to spot opportunities and problems in the medium-term (3 to12 months), and develops new approaches, products and services based on these. Uses networks to seek fresh ideas. 能够看到中期机会(3至12个月), 并开发新方法、 新产品和新服务。使用人际网络寻找新想法。

  Sees and acts on long-term (beyond 12 months) opportunities and problems. Formulates completely new and 'off the wall' ideas and concepts, which create a potential opportunity, and uses innovative approaches to allow them to be realised. These may address underlying needs that have not yet been identified by customers. 能看到长期的机遇和挑战(超过12个月), 并以此采取行动。创立全新的或者“闻所未闻”的新想法和新观念, 并制造潜在的机遇, 并使用独创性的方法实现创新想法。这些行动可能会解决客户自己尚且没有看到的潜在问题。

  Warning signs: 令面试官“恶”的行为

  Positive indicators: 令面试官“好”的行为

  * Uses well proven or familiar approaches without adapting or improving. 循规蹈矩, 不求变革。

  * Unable to step back from current issues to identify potential opportunities and threats. 只顾低头拉车, 不抬头看路。只顾着眼前的事, 没有关注潜在的机会和威胁。

  5. Relationship Building for Influence 与别人建立伙伴关系

  Definition 这个能力是什么?

  Why is it important? 这个能力为什么重要?

  Relationship Building for Influence is about developing and managing relationships with and through others to persuade, convince and/or gain support in order to improve business delivery and achieve impact for the organization. 结交别人, 并通过别人认识更多的人, 建立并维护自己的关系网, 以说服别人, 赢得别人的支持, 从而提高商业效率, 并提高机构的影响力。

  Understanding of the value of proactive management of mutually beneficial relationships is an essential competency for the majority of staff. 大多数员工必须具备这种素质, 他们清楚地明白, 积极地建立并维护双赢伙伴关系是多么的重要。


  Persuades 说服别人


  Takes several steps to persuade 采取几个步骤去说服


  Maintains networks & plans impact 维护关系网, 为提高影响力做好计划


  Extends networks & uses indirect influence 拓展关系网, 并直接施加影响力

  Builds common interests. Identifies key influencers and decision makers. Uses active listening skills to demonstrate interest and curiosity in what is being said. 使用事实、 数据和理性推断去影响并完成业务。建立共同兴趣点。判断出最有影响力的人和决策拍板的人是谁, 积极地倾听, 表示你对他(她)的兴趣, 对他(她)所说的话很好奇。(备注: 当你强调自己善于倾听的时候, 别忘了: 这可是最起码的要求!)

  Uses a planned approach and knowledge sharing tools to build positive, reciprocal relationships. 按照设计好的计划和方法, 以及知识共享的工具去建立积极的、 相互呼应的关系网。


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