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定 价:¥14.00

作 者: 张清编译
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 21世纪英语沙龙丛书 英汉对照
标 签: 英语

ISBN: 9787119024424 出版时间: 2005-05-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 20cm 页数: 273 字数:  






1. A piece of cake 小事一桩 2.BBQ 烧烤 3.Beefeater 伦敦塔卫兵 4. Big mouth 喋喋不休,随便乱说 5.“Black”meat or dark meat? “黑”肉还是鸡腿肉? 6. Blow your own horn 自吹自擂 7.“Borrow”or“rent”? “借”还是“租”? 8.Break a leg 祝你好运 9.Brown bagging 自备午餐 10.Buzz off! 走开! 11.Calling card 特点、特征 12. Can you dig it? 你能搞明白吗? 13. Can you make it? 你能来吗? 14.Carpool 多人乘车道,合伙用车 15. Cave in 屈服,投降 16.Change my dress 调离我的职位 17.Chapstick and lipstick 防裂膏与口红 18. Chew someone' s ear off 唠唠叨叨 19.Chicken pox 水痘 20. Childlike and childsh 天真与幼稚 21.Clean the desk 加班 22. Considerable and considerate 相当大的与考虑周到的 23.Count on me 指望我 24. Dead end 死胡同 25.Did you burn me midnight oil? 开夜车? 26.Do You shoot the moon yet? 赢了吗? 27. Doggy bag 打包袋 28. Dog days 酷热期 29. Dogsbody in the doghouse 低级职员失宠 30.Don't put all of your eggs in one basket 不要孤注一掷 31.Do you get the picture? 你明白了吗? 32.Do you have straws? 有吸管吗? 33.Down to earth 平易近入 34. Face the music 受惩罚 35.Follow my nose 凭知觉行事 36. For good 永远 37.Freeze 不许动 38. Getting cold feet 害怕做新工作 39. Get out of bed on the wrong side 全天情绪都不好 40. Gild the lily 画蛇添足 41. Give me a lift 让我搭车 42. Give me five 导我举手击掌 43. Go ahead 继续 44. Go cold turkey 快速戒掉坏习惯 45. Going down the drain 全输光了 46.Got your feet wet? 适应新工作吗? 47. Have a cow 吓出心脏病 48.He is a pain in the neck 他真令人讨厌 49.He is getting away with murder! 他太为所欲为了! 50.“He is in hospital”or“He is in the hospital”? 他“他往院了”还是“他在医院里”? 51. He is tearing his hair out 他菲常焦虑、沮丧 52.He was shanghaied 违反他人意愿 53.Help me out 帮帮我 54. Hitting below the belt 太过分了 55. Hit the head;Leak the lizard 上厕所 56. Honey wagon 粪车 57.Hot——“hot temperature ”or “hot spicy”? Hot--一是“热”还是“辣”? 58.How long have you been here? 你在这儿等多久了? 59. I am all ears 洗耳恭听 60.I am broke 我没钱了 61.I am missing a puzzle 迷惑不解 62. I am the one wearing pants in the house 我当家 80.Look out 当心 81.Losing my mind 丧失理智 82.Monkey see,monkey do 上行下效 83. My aunt is a pistol 姨妈是个精力充沛的人 84.My cup of tea 意中人 85. My dogs are barking! 我的脚都走疼了! 86.“No question”and “No problem” “不可能”与“没问题” 87.Not good for travel 乘车无效,仅作报销 88、Now you're talking 你这样说就对了 89.Open the faucet 打开水龙头 90. Over my head 这对我来说太难了 91. Package store 瓶装酒销售店 92. Paper or plastic? 纸袋还是塑料袋? 93.Parking and park 停车场与公园 94. Pass awoy 去世 95. Play hooky 旷工,逃学 96. Please see me 请来找我 97.Second hand 秒针 98.She burned herself out 她筋疲力尽 99 She didn't wear a dress 她没有穿衣服 100.She is no spring chicken! 她已经不再年轻了! 101. She is out 她睡着了 102.shoot a picture 照相 103.Side dish 配莱 104.Silent collection 别捐硬币 105.Sleeping on both ears 睡得很香 106.Sorry,slipped up there 对不起,算错了 107.SOS 特别的人 108.Spill the beans 泄露秘密 109.Subway 三明治店 110. Talk turkey 有话直说 111.That rings a bell 这个听起来耳熟 112.The puzzling “bookkeeper” “薄记员”的困惑 113. This will kill you 这会很精彩 114.Thumbnail or thumbtack? 是拇指指甲还是图钉? 115.Toss one‘s cookie 呕吐 116.Unisex 男女通用 117.What a shame! 真可惜! 118.What’s cooking? 你怎么样? 119.Where is the bird? 羽毛球在哪儿? 120.You are cooking up a storm! 你做的菜真丰盛! 121.You are pulling my leg! 你在跟我开玩笑! 122.You can say that again 你说得对 123. You did a good job 你考得很好 124.You have money on your back 你真是恶习难改 125.You must have had a ball 你一定过得很愉快 126. You need power 你需要电源
