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作 者: (英)Laurawright,(英)JonathanHope著;秦秀白导读
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
标 签: 英语教学方法研究


ISBN: 9787560018973 出版时间: 2000-08-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 23cm 页数: 242 字数:  


  Using a wide range of twentieth-century literary prose, Laura Wright and Jonathan Hope provide an interactive introduction to the techniques of stylistic analysis. Divided up into five sections; the noun phrase, the verb phrase, the clause, text structu.Presumes no prior linguistic knowledge.Provides a comprehensive glossary of termsAdaptable:designed to be used in a variety of classroom contexts.Introduces students to an enormous range of twentieth-century literature.A practical coursebook rather than a survey account of stylistics as a discipline,the book provides over forty opportunities for hands-on stylistic analysis,For each linguistic feature under discussion the reader is offered a definition,a text for analysis,exercises and tasks,in addition to a suggested solution.




Preface by Halliday
How to use this book
1 The Noun Phrase
1.1 Introduction: the structure of the noun phrase
1.2 Premodification
1.3 Postmodification
1.4 Articles
1.5 Pronouns denoting the first-person singular
1.6 Pronouns: the first-person plural
1.7 Pronouns: the second person 1
1.8 Pronouns: the second person 2
2 The Verb Phrase
2.1 Introduction: the structure of the verb phrase
2.2 Narrative time, story time and tense
2.3 Simple and compound verb phrases
2.4 Uses of the present tense
2.5 The passive
2.6 The imperative
2.7 Non-finite verb forms:''to base''form the infinitive
2.8 Non-finite verb forms:''-lng''forms
2.9 Non-finite verb forms: time and tense
3 The Clause
3.1 Introduction to syntax
3.2 Analysing clause structure
3.3 The relationship between S and V
3.4 Relative size of syntactic elements: light X elements
3.5 Obligatory X elements transitivity
3.6 Expansion of X elements
3.7 Heavy S and X elements before the verb
3.8 Placement of adverbials in the clause
3.9 Main clauses
3.10 Coordination
3.11 Subordination and the sentence
3.12 Ambiguity in syntax
3.13 Prepositions
3.14 Interrogatives
4 Text Structure
4.1 Introduction to text structure: cohesion and coherence
4.2 Information structure: given to new
4.3 Ellipsis
4.4 Cohesion and coherence
4.5 Coherent models: thought
4.6 Coherent models: other languages
4.7 Coherent models: speech
5 Vocabulary
5.1 Introduction to vocabulary
5.2 Register: use of romance vocabulary
5.3 Register: use of ''long'' words
5.4 Word-formation: bound morphemes
5.5 Romance
5.6 Semantic fields
5.7 Collocation
5.8 Synonyms
