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定 价:¥19.80

作 者: (英)尼克·布里格(Nick Brieger),杰里米·康福特(Jeremy Gomfort)编著
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 剑桥商务英语BEC培训用书
标 签: 商务英语

ISBN: 9787560010748 出版时间: 1996-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 194 字数:  






   To the Student
   To the Teacher
   The contents list below indicates the topic theme for
   each unit on the left, fOllowed by the language area or
   communication skill.
   Part I-Developing Language Knowledge
   Unit 1 Project reporting (Tense review)
   Unit 2 Information technology (Present tenses)
   Unit 3 Performance analysis (Past Simple and Present Perfect)
   Unit 4 Arranging a conference (Future forms)
   Unit 5 Strategy and options (Conditionals I and II)
   Unit 6 Reducing the workforce (Modals of obligation;expressing requirements)
   Unit 7 Fair pay (Modals of ability;expressing possibility)
   Unit 8 Competitive advantage (Comparison and contrast)
   Unit 9 Performance appraisal (Already,still,yet and always)
   Unit 10 Business transactions (Articles)
   Unit 11 Sales training (Quantifiers:all,many,much,several,(a)few, (a) little, no)
   Unit 12 The supply chain (Process description)
   Unit 13 Dealing with growth (Describing trends)
   Part II-Developing Communication Skills
   Unit 14 Presenting the department (Presenting information 1-structuring ideas)
   Unit 15 Company policy (Presenting information 2-connecting ideas)
   Unit 16 Collecting information (Question and answer 1)
   Unit 17 Pricing decisions (Question and answer 2)
   Unit 18 Fixing meetings (Telephoning 1-structuring a call)
   Unit 19 Late payment (Telephoning 2-information handling)
   Unit 20 Meeting objectives (Meeting 1-conducting meetings)
   Unit 21 Recruiting personnel (Meetings 2-interrupting;giving opinions;agreeing and disagreeing)
   Unit 22 Running a job interview (Meetings 3-expressing likes and preferences;advising and suggesting;requesting information and action)
   Unit 23 Making professional contact (Introductions and greetings)
   Unit 24 Small talk (Offers;refusals;comments;responses)
   Key Section (Units 1-24)
