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作 者: 钱家忠,黄显怀主编
出版社: 合肥工业大学出版社
丛编项: 高等学校教材
标 签: 环保科学基础理论

ISBN: 9787810930468 出版时间: 2003-11-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 26cm 页数: 0页 字数:  






Part ⅠIntroduction to Enviroment
Unit1 Introduction Environmental Science
Unit2 Introduction to Environemetal Imapact
Unit3 Engineering and the Environemetal
Unit4 A Symbiotic Relationship in Envionmntal Engineering
Part ⅡEnviroment and Environmental Problem
Unit5 Environment-the Human Conditon
Unit6 The Hydrologic Cycle
Unit7 Ecosystem
Unit8 Environmental Problems
Unit9 The Tragedy of the Commons
Unit10 Extinction of Divronmentalism in the U.S.
Unit11 Productivity in Aquatic Systems
Unit12 Impuriotoes In Water
Unit13 Pollution of Inald Water
Unit14 The Atomsphere and Air Pollution
Unit15 Carbon Dioxide and a chnging climate
Unit16 Noise pollution
Part ⅢEnviroment Planning and Management
Unit17 Environmental Degradation and the Law
Unit18 The ENvironment and Human Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants(1)
Unit19 The Effects of water ploution Health Effects of Environmental Pollutants(2)
Unit20 The Nature of Air pollution Reading Material:Standards of Air Quality
Unit21 The Effectos of Air pollution on Vegetation and Animals,etc
Part Ⅳ Pollution Control Engineering
Part Ⅴ Academic Writing
Part Ⅵ Vocabualry
