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新视野英语教程(读写教程 3)

新视野英语教程(读写教程 3)

定 价:¥23.90

作 者: 郑树棠,胡全生总主编;俞理明主编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 全国高职高专英语教材
标 签: 大学英语


ISBN: 9787560046525 出版时间: 2005-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm+光盘1片 页数: 255页 字数:  


  《新视野英语教程》按照教育部高等教育司颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》(试行)(以下简称《基本要求》)编写而成,是一套专供全国高职高专院校使用的英语教材。它体现了《基本要求》提出的教学目的,覆盖了所要求掌握的实用英语语言知识和交际技能,突出了“实用为主”的原则。《新视野英语教程》 是一套完整的系列教材,由两条主线、三种载体、四个级别构成。《新视野英语教程》有《读写教程》和《听说教程》两条主线:《读写教程》由学生用书、教师用书和《综合练习》组成,《听说教程》由学生用书和教师用书组成;《新视野英语教程》是由课本、音带和光盘三种载体构成的立体化教学资源;《新视野英语教程》从1级到4级,由浅入深构成一套完整的系列教材。鉴于高职高专学生入学时英语水平参差不齐,《新视野英语教程》的教学要求分为A、B两级,以利于实行分类指导和分级教学。《新视野英语教程》还专门编有预备级教程,可供入学时起点较低的学生使用。在《新视野英语教程》编写过程中,编者曾在全国多所高职高专院校组织了多次访谈,收集、整理和分析了多位高职高专院校英语教师的意见,在此基础上几易其稿,最后制定了编写提纲和重点。全国十多所大学,包括专门从事高职高专教学的院校在内的几十名资深教授和中青年骨干教师参与了《新视野英语教程》的编写和制作。参加《新视野英语教程》编写的作者都是长期从事英语教学和研究的教师,熟悉高职高专的英语教学实际,了解学生的英语水平和需求,保证了教材编写与高职高专层次的英语教学规律紧密结合。


暂缺《新视野英语教程(读写教程 3)》作者简介


Unit One
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: I Am Home
Section B
Text B: The Edge
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing E-mail Messages
Unit Two
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Advertising
Section B
Text B: The Advertising Sell
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing "Help Wanted" Ads
Unit Three
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Life Is Full of Choices
Section B
Text B: The Accident
Section C
Practical Writing: Placing Orders
Unit Four
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: A Defining Moment
Section B
Text B: Have a Little Faith
Section C
Practical Writing: Filling In Invoices
Unit Five
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Naming Customs
Section B
Text B: Do You Speak My Language?
Section C
Practical Writing: Revision
Unit Six
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Cyberdating: Romance in Cyberspace
Section B
Text B: Meeting E-relations in the Real World Is a Trip
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing 13usiness Letters (1)
Unit Seven
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Six Keys to Success
Section B
Text B: Dell Boy Made Good
Section C
Practical Writing: Writing Business Letters (2)
Unit Eight
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A:Winners,Losers or Just Kids
Section B
Text B: How to Plan Your Career
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Company Descriptions
Unit Nine
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: Couple Finds Being "Two of a Kind" Is a Recipe for Happine
Section B
Text B: Business Partners
Section C
Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Product Descriptions
Unit Ten
Leading In and Exploring the Topic
Section A
Text A: The Machine That Knows Your Face
Section B
Text B: All Play and No Work
Section C
Practical Writing: Revision
