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定 价:¥17.00

作 者: (美)米拉达·布鲁卡、李淑华
出版社: 吉林出版集团有限责任公司
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787807204558 出版时间: 2006-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 160 字数:  




  杨枫,吉林大学英语教授、博士、英语课程与教材设计专家,吉林出版集团外语教育中心主任,主要研究英语语用学、测试学与教学策略,著述颇丰。TOP目录 Unit 1 Who Is the Most Important Person from History?Unit 2 What Are Fattening Rooms?Unit 3 Where Do People Celebrate Girls"Day and Boy 's Day ?Unit 4 Why Is Marco Polo Famous?Unit 5 Who Reached the South Pole First?Unit 6 What Is the Royal Flying Doctor Service?Unit 7 How Did the Egyptians Make Mummies?Unit 8 Why Is Louis Pasteur Important?Unit 9 Who Is Nasreddin Hodja?Self-Test 1Unit 10 What Did lhe Ancient Mayans Believe ln?Unit 11 How Do Koreans Celebrate a Wedding?Unit 12 Why Are Sumo Wrestlers So Fat?Unit 13 Who Is Stephen King?Unit 14 What Is the Story Behind the Bed?Unit 15 How Did the Spanish Conquer the Aztecs?Unit 16 Why Are the Williams Sisters Good at Tennis?Unit 17 Where Is Timbuktu?Unit 18 Where Do the Most Vegetarians Live?Self-Test 2Chinese VersionAnswer Key TOP 其它信息 装帧:平装页数:160 版次:2006年2月第1版开本:16开


Unit 1 Who Is the Most Important Person from History?
Unit 2 What Are Fattening Rooms?
Unit 3 Where Do People Celebrate Girls"
Day and Boy 's Day ?
Unit 4 Why Is Marco Polo Famous?
Unit 5 Who Reached the South Pole First?
Unit 6 What Is the Royal Flying Doctor Service?
Unit 7 How Did the Egyptians Make Mummies?
Unit 8 Why Is Louis Pasteur Important?
Unit 9 Who Is Nasreddin Hodja?
Self-Test 1
Unit 10 What Did lhe Ancient Mayans Believe ln?
Unit 11 How Do Koreans Celebrate a Wedding?
Unit 12 Why Are Sumo Wrestlers So Fat?
Unit 13 Who Is Stephen King?
Unit 14 What Is the Story Behind the Bed?
Unit 15 How Did the Spanish Conquer the Aztecs?
Unit 16 Why Are the Williams Sisters Good at Tennis?
Unit 17 Where Is Timbuktu?
Unit 18 Where Do the Most Vegetarians Live?
Self-Test 2
Chinese Version
Answer Key
