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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络数据库数据库理论数据库(原理编程与性能影印版)



定 价:¥49.50

作 者: (美)奥尼尔著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书
标 签: 数据库理论 数据库 计算机/网络

ISBN: 9787040100402 出版时间: 2001-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 870 字数:  


  《数据库:原理编程与性能(影印版)(第2版)》自1994年初版以来,已成为学习、设计及使用关系数据库人员的一本经典教材。它从理论和实践两方面对数据库设计和编程均做了严谨的表述。其内容包括关系理论、数据库设计、数据库编程及运行-转储结果。每一部分均从基本原理出发,再用实际系统中的实例来说明。本次修订版反映了6年来数据库领域总体的进步和发展动态,书中重点讲述了对象关系模型;介绍了一些系统(如Oracle、DB2和Informix等)中通用的新概念;对隔离技术作了更新介绍;对运行结果的表述更现代。相对于初始标准来说,SQL数据库语言有了非常重要的变化,所以对对象关系给予特别讲述。《数据库:原理编程与性能(影印版)(第2版)》还介绍了SQL-99设计方法及与之相关的原理方法及主要产品。《数据库:原理编程与性能(影印版)(第2版)》的作者是在数据库界工作30多年的资深专家,富于教学和实践经验。《数据库:原理编程与性能(影印版)(第2版)》力图在数据库领域各不相同的思想和趋势中找到一个统一的观点提供给读者。《数据库:原理编程与性能(影印版)(第2版)》对于初接触数据库系统的读者不啻为一本极好的教材;对于那些对数据库领域的发展还未给予足够关注的人是一本易于接受的参考书;同时也是设计人员和编程人员及时更新知识的有用的参考书。内容: 1. 简介 2. 关系模型 3. 基本SQL查询语言 4. 对象关系SQL 5. 数据库编程访问 6. 数据库设计 7. 完整性、视图、安全性和目录 8. 索引 9. 查询处理 10. 事务更新 11. 并行与分布式数据库 附录A 介绍性指南 附录B 编程细节 附录C SQL语句语言 附录 D 设置查询计数。


  Parick ONeil is a professor of computer science at the Uniersity of Massachusetts at Boston. He is responsible for a number of important results in transactonal performance and disk access algorithms,and he holds patents for his work in these and other database areas.Elizabeth ONeil is a professor of computer science at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.She serves as a comsult-ant to Sybase IQin Concor, Massachusetts,and has worked with a number of other corporations,includin Microsoft adn Bolt,Beranek,and Newman.


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Fundamental Database Concepts
  History of Database Systems
  The Relational and Object-Relational Models
  The Database Systems Covered
  A Relational Database Example
  An Object-Relational Database Example
1.2 Database Users
1.3 Overview of Relational and Object-Relational DBMS
  Chapter 2: The Relational Model
  Chapter 3: Basic SQL Query Language
  Chapter 4: The Object-Relational Model
  Chapter 5: Programs to Access a Database
  Chapter 6: Database Design
  Chapter 7: Integrity, Views, Security, and Catalogs
  Chapter 8: Indexing
  Chapter 9: Query Processing
  Chapter 10: Update Transactions
  Chapter 11: Parallel and Distributed Databases
1.4 Putting It All Together
Chapter 2 The Relational Model
2.1 The CAP Database
2.2 Naming the Parts of a Database
  Domains and Datatypes
  Tables and Relations
2.3 Relational Rules
2.4 Keys, Superkeys, and Null Values
  Null Values
2.5 Relational algebra
  Fundamental Operations of Relational Algebra
2.6 Set-Theoretic Operations
  The Union, Intersection, and Difference Operations
  Assignment and Alias
  The Product Operation
2.7 Native Relational Operations
  The Projection Operation
  The Selection Operation
  Precedence of Relational Operations
  The Join Operation
  The Division Operation
2.8 The Interdependence of Operations
2.9 Illustrative Examples
2.10 Other Relational Operations
  Outer Join
  Theta Join
Chapter 3 Basic SQL Query Language
3.1 Introduction
  SQL Capabilities
  SQL History-Standards and Dialects
3.2 Setting Up the Database
  Standard Typographical Conventions
  A Practical Exercise
3.3 Simple Select Statements
3.4 Subqueries
  The IN Predicate
  The Quantified Comparison Predicate
  The EXISTS Predicate
  A Weakness of SQL: Too Many Equivalent Forms
3.5 UNION Operators and FOR ALL Conditions
  The UNION Operator
  Division: SQL "FOR ALL..." Conditions
3.6 Some Advanced SQL Syntax
  The INTERSECT and EXCEPT Operators in Advanced SQL
  Join Forms in Advanced SQL
  Join Forms Implemented in Database Systems
3.7 Set Functions in SQL Handling Null Values
3.8 Groups of Rows in SQL
3.9 A Complete Dexcription of SQL Select
  Expressions, Predicates, and the search_condition
  Scalar Subqueries as Expressions:Advanced SQL
  Basic SQL versus Advanced SQL: Summary
  A Discussion of the Predicates
3.10 Insert, Update, and Delete Statements
  The Insert Statement
  The Update Statement
  The Delete Statement
3.11 The Power of the Select Statement
  The Non-Procedural Select Statement
  Turing Power
  Limited Power of the Basic SQL Select Statement
Chapter 4 Object-Relational SQL
4.1 Introduction
  ORSQL Capabilities
  Form of Presentation for This Chapter
  Object-Relational History
4.2 Objects and Tables
  4.2.1 Object Types in ORACLE
    Definition of the REF Object Reference
  4.2.2 INFORMIX Row Types for Objects
    Absence of Refs in INFORMIX
    Type Inheritance in INFORMIX
  4.2.3 Objects and Tables: Summary
    Object Orientation
4.3 Collection Types
  4.3.1 Collection Types in ORACLE
    Table Types and Nested Tables
    Two Techniques for Retrieving from a Table of Tables
    Unnesting via Table Products
    Nested Cursors
    Array Types for VARRAYs
    SQL SYntax for Collections in ORACLE
    Inserts and Updates in ORACLE
  4.3.2 Collection Types in INFORMIX
    Sets in INFORMIX
    Lists in INFORMIX
    SQL Syntax for Collections in INFORMIX
    inserts and Updates in INFORMIX
  4.3.3 Collection Types:Summary
4.4 Procedural SQL, User-Defined Functions (UDFs), and Methods
  4.4.1 ORACLE PL/SQL Procedures, UDFs, and Methods
    PL/SQL: ORACLE's Procedural SQL Language
    Using PL/LQL to Implement Methods in ORACLE
    Update Methods
  4.4.2 INFORMIX User-Defined Functions
    SPL:INFORMIX's Procedural SQL Language
    Using SPL to Implement UDFs in INFORMIX
    Update Functions
  4.4.3 User-Defined Functions:Summary
4.5 External Functions and Packaged User-Defined Types(UDTs)
  Binary Data and BLOBs
  External Functions
  Distinct Types
  BLOB Objects
  Packaged UDTs and Other Encapsulated UDTs
Chapter 5 Programs to Access a Database
5.1 Introduction to Embedded SQL in C
  A Simple Program Using Embedded SQL
  Selecting Multiple Rows with a Cursor
5.2 Condition Handling
  Whenever Statement:Scope and Flow of Control
  Explicit Error Checking
  Handling Errors:Getting Error Messages from the Database
  Indicator Variables
5.3 Some Common Embedded SQL Statements
  The Select Statement
  The Declare Cursor Statement
  The Delete
  The Update Statement
  The Insert Statement
  Cursor Open, Fetch, and Close
  Other Embedded SQL Operations
5.4 Programming for Transactions
  The Concept of a Transaction
  How Transactions Are Specified in Programs
  A Transaction Example
  The Transaction Isolation Guarantee and Locking
  Special Considerations in Transactions
5.5 The Power of Procedural SQL Programs
  Customized Set Functions
5.6 Dynamic SQL
  Execute Immediate
  Prepare, Execute, and Using
  Dynamic Select: The Describe Statement and the SQLDA
5.7 Some Advanced Programming Concepts
  Scrollable Cursors
  Cursor Sensitivity
  Other Development Environments for Database Programming
Chapter 6 Database Design
6.1 Introduction to E-R Concepts
  Entities, Attributes, and Simple E-R Diagrams
  Transforming Entities and Attributes to Relations
  Relationships among Entities
6.2 Further Details of E-R Modeling
  Cardinality of Entity Participation in a Relationship
  One-to-One, Many-to-Many, and Many-to-One Relationships
  Transforming Binary Relationships to Relations
6.3 Additional E-R Concepts
  Cardinality of Attributes
  Weak Entities
  Generalization Hierarchies
6.4 Case Study
6.5 Normalization: Preliminaries
  A Running Example: Employee Information
  Anomalies of a Bad Database Design
6.6 Functional Dependencies
  Logical Implications among Functional Dependencies
  Armstrong's Axioms
  Closure, Cover, and Minimal Cover
6.7 Lossless Decompositions
6.8 Normal Forms
  A Succession of Decompositions to Eliminate Anomalies
  Normal Forms: BCNE 3NF, and 2NF
  An Algorithm to Achieve Well-Behaved 3NF Decomposition
  A Review of Normalization
6.9 Additional Design Considerations
  Database Design Tools
Chapter 7 Integrity, Views, Security, and Catalogs
7.1 Integrity Constraints
  Integrity Constraints in the Create Table Statement
  Primary Keys, Foreign Keys, and Referential Integrity
  Foreign Key Constraints: Product Variations
  The Alter Table Statement
  Non-Procedural and Procedural Integrity Constraints: Triggers
7.2 Creating Views
  Updatable and Read-Only Views
  The Value of Views
7.3 Security:The Grant Statement in SQL
  Variations in Database Products
7.4 System Catalogs and Schemas
  Catalog Variations in Database Products
  The INFORMIX System Catalog
  Catalog Tables for Object-Relational Constructs:ORACLE and INFORMIX
Chapter 8 Indexing
8.1 The Concept of Indexing
8.2 Disk Storage
  Disk Access Is Excruciatingly Slow
  The DBA and Disk Resource Allocation in ORACLE
  Data Storage Pages and Row Pointers:ORACLE and DB2 UDB
8.3 The B-Tree Index
  Dynamic Changes in the B-Tree
  Properties of the B-Tree
  Index Node Layout and Free Space
  The Create Index Statement in ORACLE and DB2 UDB
  Duplicate Key Values in an Index
  The ORACLE Bitmap Index
8.4 Clustered and Non-Clustered Indexes
  Clustering Indexes in DB2 UDB
  ORACLE Special Indexing Features
8.5 A Hash Primary Index
  Tuning HASHKEYS and SIZE in a Hash Cluster
  No Incremental Changes in the Number of Slots Used
  Advantages and Disadvantages of a hash Primary Index
8.6 Throwing Darts at Random Slots
  Unlimited Slot Occupancy:How Many Slots Are Occupied?
  Slot Occupancy of One:Number of Retries (Rehash Chain)
  When Do Hash Pages Fill Up
Chapter 9 Query Processing
9.1 Introductory Concepts
  Query Resource Utilization
  Gathering Statistics
  Retrieving the Query Plan
9.2 Tablespace Scans and I/O
  Assumptions about I/O
9.3 Simple Indexed Access in DB2
  Equal Unique Match Index Access
  Index-Only Retrieval
9.4 Filter Factors and Statistics
  DB2 Statistics
  Filter Factors in DB2
9.5 Matching Index Scans, Composite Indexes
  Definition of a Matching Index Scan
  Predicate Screening and Screening Predicates
  Indexable Predicates and Performance
9.6 Multiple Index Access
  List Prefetch and the RID Pool
  Point of Diminishing Returns in Multiple Index Access
9.7 Methods for Joining Tables
  Nested-Loop Join
  Merge Join
  Hybrid Join
  Multiple Table Joins
  Transforming Nested Queries to Joins
9.8 Disk Sorts
  The N-Way Merge Disk Sort Algorithm
9.9 Query Performance Benchmarks:A Case Study
  The BENCH Table
  Load Measurements
9.10 Query Performance Measurements
  Query Q1
  Query Q2A
  Query Q2B
  Query Q3A
  Query Q3B
  Query Q4A and Q4B
  Query Q5
  Query Q6A
  Query Q6B
9.11 Cost-Performance Assessment
  Elapsed Time versus CPU Time Rating
  Customizing the Rating
  Varations in Indexing Use between DB2 and ORACLE
Chapter 10 Update Transactions
10.1 Transactional Histories
  Fundamental Atomic Read and Write Actions in the Database
  Predicate Read Actions
  Transactional Histories with Reads and Writes
10.2 Interleaved Read-Write Operations
10.3 Serializability and the Precedence Graph
  The Precedence Graph
10.4 Locking to Ensure Serializability
  The Waits-For Graph
10.5 Levels of Isolation
  The Read Uncommitted Isolation Level
  The Read Committed Isolation Level and Cursor Stability
  Repeatable Read Isolation Level
  Serializability and Phantom Updates
10.6 Transactional Recovery
10.7 Recovery in Detail:Log Formats
  Guarantees That N
