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定 价:¥33.00

作 者: (美)E.蒂尔基斯,(美)M.蒂尔斯基 著,张卫平 注
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 高级实用英语系列教材
标 签: 文化背景


ISBN: 9787300044149 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16 页数: 328 字数:  






To the Teacher
To the Student
UNIT 1 Attitudes, Values, and Lifestyles
1 The American Character
2 Marriager: American Style
3 American Family Life
4 American Etiquette
5 What Americans Consume
UNIT 2 The Salad Bowl: Cultural Diversity in the U.S.
6 A Nation of Immigrants
7 The African-American
8 Religion in American Life
UNIT 3 Levels of Learning
9 American Education: The First 12 Years
10 Higher Education in the U.S.
UNIT 4 Fun and Games
11 Vacationing in the U.S.
12 Leisure-Time Activities
UNIT 5 Government and the American Citizen
13 The Constitution and the Federal System
14 Choosing the Nation's President
15 Citizenship: Its Obligations and Privileges
UNIT 6 The World of American Business
16 Capitalism and the American Economy
17 The American Worker
18 High-Tech Communications
UNIT 7 American Holidays: History and Customs
19 Christopher Columbus: A Controversial Hero
20 Halloween: A Time for Scary Fun
21 Thanksgiving and native Americans
22 The Winter Holiday Season
23 Two Presidents and Two Wars
24 Four Patriotic Holidays
Appendix A A Snapshot of More American Holidays
Appendix B Units of Measurement: U.S.and Metric
Appendix C The United States, U.S.Territories, and Outlying Areas
Appendix D The United States: Map with Time Zones
Appendix E The Thirteen Original Colonies
Appendix F U.S. Free and Slave States and Territories, 1860
Appendix G Answers to the Chapter Exercises
