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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术文学作品集梅雨(英文版)



定 价:¥108.00

作 者: 谢有顺
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 21世纪中国当代文学书库
标 签: 文学


ISBN: 9787119054384 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 436 字数:  


  11篇作品反映了生活在21世纪的中国人所经历的青春岁月。作品主人公的身份形形色色,所处的生活时代与环境也各有不同,但他们所处的青春世界却有着很多共同的特质。青春的世界总是充满了很多的的理想主义和无节制的青春意想,单纯而复杂,成长的过程亦充满了残酷(如《阿瑶》、《梅雨》、《打铁打铁》、《河滩上的尸体》等),青春期所具有的特殊情感历程(如《我疼》、《碎玻璃》、《在明孝陵乘凉》等),以及错过的青春岁月所烙下的深深地印迹(如《打火机》、《吉诺的跳马》、《葡萄藤下的女人》、《裸夏》等)。作品风格或冷峻、凌厉;或委婉、细腻;或现实客观,或赋予戏剧性。 11篇作品在不同的年份都曾入选当年的小说排名榜,也获得过不同的奖项。作者除了一个是60年代出生,其他都是70、80年代出生,其中三个是80后。新生代作家对“青春”主题有着更为鲜活的理解,作品也更具有“当下性”。


  Xie Youshun was born in Changting, Fu-jian Province, in 1972. After his undergraduateyears in Fujian Normal University, Xie Youshunobtained a doctorate degree in literature fromFudan University. His major works are Living inReality,, The Character of Language, VanguardIs Freedom, and From Secuhlrity to SpiritualityAs editor-in-chief, Xie compiled Lives" and Com-mentaries of Contemporary Chinese Writers'. Theawards he has won include the 2nd Feng Mu Lit-erary Award Prize for Young Critics, the llthZhuang Zhong Literary Award, and was electedYoung Critic of 2005 at Chinese Young Writersand Critics Forum.Xie Youshun is now vice-president of the Guang-dong Critics" Association of Literature and Art.As Professor and Doctoral Advisor, he teaches atthe Department of Chinese Language and Litera-ture of Sun Yat-sen University.


Wang Meng 21st Century Chinese Literature——Points of Departure
Xie Yousbun Bittersweet Hues of Youth
Wu Xuan Naked Summer
Ba Qiao Ah Yao
Qiao Ye Lighter
Ma Xiaoquan Strikel Strike the Iron
Li Sbasba The Corpse on the River Flats
Zhang Yueran Ji Nou's Vaulting Horse
Xu Zecben Plum Raindrops
Wei Wei Enjoying the Cool at the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum
Yan Ge The Woman Beneath the Grapevine
Li Hao The Shattered Pane
Cben Xiwo I'm in Pain!
Editor's Recommended Reading (in Chinese)
