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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术无线电电子学、电信技术IP v6详解卷2:高级协议实现(英文版)

IP v6详解卷2:高级协议实现(英文版)

IP v6详解卷2:高级协议实现(英文版)

定 价:¥128.00

作 者: (美)李清 等著
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
丛编项: 图灵原版计算机科学系列
标 签: 通信网


ISBN: 9787115195197 出版时间: 2009-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 981 字数:  


  本书全面讲解IPv6及相关协议实现的事实标准KAME,揭示了KAME IPv6协议栈的所有细节,对每行代码到底做了什么,以及为什么要这样设计都进行了解释。全书共分6章,分别介绍IPv6单播路由选择协议、IPv6多播技术、IPv6的DNS DHCPv6、移动IPv6、IPv6与IP安全。书中每章都包含两个主要部分,第一部分是相关规范的综述,第二部分则逐行代码地描述和分析实际的实现。 本书是IPv6的权威参考书,适合网络设计和开发人员阅读。此外,本书还适合作为高校相关专业网络课程的教学参考书。


  Blue Coat系统公司资深架构师,负责领导下一代支持IPv6的安全代理应用系统的设计和开发工作。他曾在风河系统公司工作8年。是风河嵌入式IPv6产品的首席架构师。他拥有多项美国专利,并著有Real-TimeConcepts for Embedded Systems等畅销书。他还是FreeBSD操作系统项目活跃的开发者。


1 IPv6 Unicast Routing Protocols
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Overview of Routing Concepts
1.3 Overview of Vector-based Algorithms and Link-StateAlgorithm
1.4 Introduction to RIPng
1.5 Introduction to BGP4+
1.6 Introduction to OSPFv2
1.7 Code Introduction
1.8 IPv6 Routing Table in the BSD Kernel
1.9 Routing API
1.10 Overview of route6d Daemon
1.11 Common Data Structures, Routines and Global Variables
1.12 Interface Configuration
1.13 RIPng Protocol Operation
1.14 Routing Operation Using route6d
2 IPv6 Multicasting
2.1 Introduction
2.2 IPv6 Multicast Address to Layer-2 Multicast AddressMapping
2.3 Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol
2.4 Multicast Routing Fundamentals
2.5 Code Introduction
2.6 MLD Implementation
2.7 IPv6 Multicast Interface: mif6{} Structure
2.8 IPv6 Multicast Routing API
2.9 IPv6 Multicast Forwarding Cache
2.10 IPv6 Multicast Forwarding
2.11 IPv6 Multicast Operation
3 DNS for IPv6
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basics of DNS Definitions and Protocols
3.3 IPv6-Related Topics about DNS
3.4 Implementation of IPv6 DNS Resolver
3.5 IPv6 DNS Operation with BIND
4 DHCPv6
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Overview of the DHCPv6 Protocol
4.3 Code Introduction
4.4 Client Implementation
4.5 Server Implementation
4.6 Relay Agent Implementation
4.7 Implementation of DHCPv6 Authentication
4.8 DHCPv6 Operation
5 Mobile IPv6
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Mobile IPv6 Overview
5.3 Header Extension
5.4 Procedure of Mobile IPv6
5.5 Route Optimization
5.6 Movement Detection
5.7 Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery
5.8 Mobile Prefix Solicitation/Advertisement
5.9 Relationship with IPsec
5.10 Code Introduction
5.11 Mobile IPv6 Related Structures
5.12 Macro and Type Definitions
5.13 Global Variables
5.14 Utility Functions
5.15 Common Mobility Header Processing
5.16 Home Agent and Correspondent Node
5.17 Mobile Node
5.18 Mobile IPv6 Operation
5.19 Appendix
6 IPv6 and IP Security
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Authentication Header
6.3 Encapsulating Security Payload
6.4 Transport Mode and Tunnel Mode
6.5 Security Association Database
6.6 IPsec Traffic Processing
6.7 SPD and SAD Management
6.8 Manual Configuration
6.9 Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol(ISAKMP) Overview
6.10 Racoon Operation
6.11 Scenarios
