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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材研究生/本科/专科教材微积分(英文版)



定 价:¥56.00

作 者: 陈海波 等编著
出版社: 中南大学出版社
标 签: 数学理论


ISBN: 9787811059878 出版时间: 2009-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 255 字数:  


  This is a student textbook covering essential topics in calculus usually taughtin the early stages of science and engineering students in China. The requirementsof such students have influenced its content and presentation helped in many waysby the authors long and continuous experience of teaching mathematical methods tovarious degree students in Central South University. It is divided into two volumes.The first volume contains Calculus of single variable and infinite series. The sec-ond volume consists of Calculus of multivariable with analysis geometrics and ordi-nary differential equations.




Calculus Volume Ⅰ目录:
Chapter 1 Functions and Limits
1.1 Functions
1.2 Limits of sequence of number
1.3 Limit of functions
1.4 The operation of limits
1.5 The principle for existence of limits
1.6 Two imvortant limist
1.7 ConfinuiWof functions
1.8 Infinitesimal and infinity quantity, the order for infinitesimals

Chapter 2 Derivatives and Differentials
2.1 The concepts of the derivative
2.2 The rules of derivation
2.3 Higher-order derivatives and differentials of functions
2.4 Differential skill

Chapter 3 Mean Value Theorems and Applications of Derivatives
3.1 Mean value theorems
3.2 LHospitals rule
3.3 Prupertiesoffunctions
3.4 Differentiation of are and curvature

Chapter 4 Indefinite Integrals
4.1 Concept and properties of indefinite integral
4.2 Integration by substitution
4.3 Integration by parts
4.4 Integration of a several kinds of special functions

Chapter 5 The Definite Integral and Its Applications
5.1 Definition of definite integrals
5.2 Properties of definite integrals
5.3 The fundamental theorem of calculus
5.4 Techniques for the computation of definite integrals
5.5 Improper integrals
5.6 Applications of definite integrals

Chapter 6 Infinite Series
6.1 Series with constant terms
6.2 Power series
6.3 Taylors series
6.4 Fourier series
6.5 Expand a function into the sine series and cosine series

Calculus Volume Ⅱ目录:
Chapter 7 Analytic Geometry in Space and Vector Algebra
7.1 Vector and their linear operations
7.2 Rectangular coordinate systems in space and components of vectors
7.3 The scalar product vector product mixed product
7.4 Planes and their equations
7.5 Straight lines in space and their equations
7.6 Surfaces and their equations
7.7 Space curves and their equations
7.8 Quadric surfaces

Chapter 8 The Multivariable Differential Calculus and its Applications
8.1 Basic concepts of muhivariable functions
8.2 Limit and continuity for function of several variables
8.3 Partial derivatives and higher-order partial derivatives
8.4 Total differentials
8.5 Directional derivatives and the gradient
8.6 Differentiation of muhivariable composite functions
8.7 Differentiation of impliet functions
8.8 Applications of differential calculus of muhivariable functions in geometry
8.9 Extreme value problems for muhivariable functions

Chapter 9 Multiple Integrals
9.1 Double integral
9.2 Evaluation of a double integral by iterated integration
9.3 Change of variables in a double integral
9.4 Improper double integrals
9.5 Applications of double integrals
9.6 Extensions to higher dimensions
9.7 Change of variables in a triple integral

Chapter 10 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals
10.1 Line integrals with respect to arc lengths
10.2 Line integrals with respect to coordinates
10.3 Greens theorem, Path independence
10.4 Surface integrals with respect to surface areas
10.5 Surface integrals with respect to coordinates
10.6 The divergence theorem
10.7 Stokes theorem

Chapter 11 Differential Equations
11.1 Differential equations and their solutions
11.2 Separable equations
11.3 Linear first-order equations
11.4 Homogeneous equations
11.5 Exact equations
11.6 Reducible second-order equations
11.7 second-0rder linear equations
