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LCE 2010(19-21MAY2010)

LCE 2010(19-21MAY2010)

定 价:¥528.00

作 者: 张洪潮,刘志峰,刘光复 主编
出版社: 合肥工业大学出版社
标 签: 机械学


ISBN: 9787565001864 出版时间: 2010-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 428 字数:  


暂缺《LCE 2010(19-21MAY2010)》简介


暂缺《LCE 2010(19-21MAY2010)》作者简介


Life Cycle Assessment, Engineering, And Management
Assessment of environmental impacts of rare earth elements: An LCA approach
Research on life cycle assessment database model for electromechanical products
Evaluation of four tools for environmental impact life cycle assessment in sustainable product development
Challenges Facing Engineers in Evaluating Life Cycle Impacts of Emerging Technologies
Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Perspectives from Australia and Europe
A Computation Method of Factor X Indicator by Using the Life Cycle Concept
Environmental benefits of parts remanufacturing: the truck injector case
Development of Home Appliance LCA Software for SMEs
Temporal discounting for life cycle assessment: perspectives and mechanisms
Development of a methodology for real field data-based LCA
Simulation Methods Used in LCA: Important Concepts and Practice
Energy saving product development
Cradle-to-Gate Embodied Energy of Products
Evaluating Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption of A1 Intensive Vehicle in China
Methodology to assess the energy consumption of cutting machine tools
Assessment of Life Cycle Impacts and Integrated Evaluation Concept for Equipment Investment
A TRIZ Based Eco-innovative Design Method for Energy Saving Products
Energy-saving Optimal Design Based on Transfer Function
Simulation-based Energy Flow Evaluation for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems
Lifecycle Impact Reduction and Energy Savings through Light Weight Eco-Design of Machine Tools
Energy and Resource Consumption of Cutting Processes How Process Parameter Variations can Optimise the Total Process Efficiency
Energy Consumption Assessment and Optimisation in the Design and Use Phase of Machine Tools
The Green Design Method of Household Electrical Appliances Based on Energy Efficiency Label
A Proposed Method to Study the Life-cycle Energy Consumption of the Automotive Industry
Sustainable Manufacturing
Intelligent Vehicle Scheduling for Service Delivery in Industrial Product-Service Systems
How can Product-Service Systems enable Remanufacturing?
Proposal of an Extended Process Model
Assessment of Reverse Supply Chain Designs based on Reference Business Processes
Digital manufacturing supporting integrated improvement of products and production systems
Fuzzy Model for Optimization of Tooling Process
New business models for tooling companies based on intelligent injection molds
A Study on the Eco-Performance of Plastics in the Injection Molding Process
Analysis of Eco-efficiency of Ceramics Manufacturing Processes for Silicon Nitride
Review and Future of Sustainable Manufacturing
Appropriate use of Green Manufacturing Frameworks
Eco-design and Eco-innovation
Reliability analysis on industrial synergistic systems - Lagny -sur -Marne as a case study
An Incomplete Information Structure and Its Representation Model of the Used Parts for Remanufacturing
Dictionary of Elementary Effects: A New Approach for Integration of Environmental Considerations in the Product Design Process
Eco-efficient methodology
Weight Reduction Design of Transmission Parts Rotating Around Fixed Axis
A Cladistic and TRIZ-based Approach for Enhancing Decision Making in Technology and Innovation Management
Concurrent approach for multiple eco-function design
Development of a Framework for Sustainable Conceptual Design
Research on Method of Green Product Scenarios Selection
Eco-Innovation: Managing Eco-Product Design & Innovation
Comparison of Eco-Design Tools for the Conceptual Design Phase
A Template to Acquire Requirements of Customers in Eco-design
Redesign of Modular Product Architecture for Efficient Resource Recovery
A method helping to define eco-innovative systems (Product Architecture + Reverse Supply Chain structure + Use Cycles Scenario)
Reuse, remanufacture and recycling
Polygonal Model based Vertex Regeneration Method for Refurbishment of Worn Parts
Optimal Disassembly and Recycling Process for EOL Electronic Products under Bi-criteria Compressor Case-opening Equipment Based on Self-teaching
Life Cycle Maintenance in Combination with Reuse Application to valve actuators for reducing life cycle cost and environmental load
Development and Application of Unsoldering Equipment for Printed Circuit Boards Scraps
Extraction of Some Typical Topology Structures and Simplification about Products Dismantling Model
Method of Disassembly Information Acquisition and Automatic Modeling Based on UG
Product disassembly directed graph model based on basic element and classification constraints
Development of an Economically Sustainable Recycling Process for the Footwear Sector
Design and Analysis of Shape Memory Polymer Snap-Fits for Active Disassembly
Impacting Consumer End-of-Life Product Return Decisions with Incentives
Repair and Overhaul Methodology for Worn or Damaged Turbine Components
Roadmap for end-of-life strategies
Sustainability and Sustainable models
Integrating Green and Sustainability Aspects into Life Cycle Performance Evaluation
Research Concept for Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Areas
Utilizing Quality Function Deployment to Evaluate and Design Wastewater Treatment Systems
Defining the Dimensions of Human Work for Industrial Sustainability Assessment
Development Overview of Sustainable Manufacturing Metrics
Business model Life Cycle Evaluation: Two Successful Case Studies in the Machine Tool Sector
Development of Sustainable Society Scenario Simulator Connecting Scenarios with Associated Simulators
A review of sustainable manufacturing measurement from product life cycle perspective
Proposal of a cause-effect pattern library for realizing sustainable business
A Relevance Analysis Method to find Conflicts between Events Related to Sustainability
Special Workshop: CO2PE!
Environmental analysis of SLM and SLS manufacturing processes.
