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作 者: 陈广兴 著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 外教社博学文库
标 签: 英语学术著作


ISBN: 9787544622851 出版时间: 2011-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 171 字数:  






Chapter One Introduction
A. Plot
1.What is plot?
2. The possibility and ways of abstracting plot from a text
B. The significance of studying plot
C. The significance of studyingthe plot in Conrad's fiction
Chapter Two Isolation Mode of Tragedy in Conrad's Fiction.
A. Definition of isolation mode of tragedy
B. Isolation mode of tragedy in Conrad's fiction
1. The pro-fall stage, where the ambitious protagonist
is unsatisfied
2. The second stage: the character's first fall as a flee
choice driven by ambition
3. The third stage: the isolation from society due to his
first fall
4. The fourth stage: the character's second fall also as a
free choice driven by his ambition
5. The fifth stage: the last choice either to surrender or
to accept his fate courageously ,
6. The sixth stage: the denouement
C. A conclusion for the isolation mode of tragedy
in Conrad's fiction
Chapter Three Repetition Mode of Tragedy in Conrad's Fiction
A. Definition of repetition mode of tragedy
B. Individuars repetition of a mistake
C. The repetition of a mistake by different persons
Chapter Four The Double Plot in Conrad's Fiction
A. The definition of double plot
B. The double plot in Conrad's fiction
1. Representation or creation?
a. The limited access to the information
b. The limitations of language
c. The attempt to plot a good story, complete and meaningful.
2. Biography or autobiography?
C. The cause and effect of the double plot in Conrad's fiction.
Chapter Five Conclusion
Works Cited
