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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学数学同伦分析方法与非线性微分方程(英文版)



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作 者: 廖世俊 著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 微积分


ISBN: 9787040322989 出版时间: 2012-02-23 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 565 字数:  


  《同伦分析方法与非线性微分方程(英文版)》介绍同伦分析方法的基本思想、理论上的发展与完善以及新的应用。全书分三个部分。第一部分描述同伦分析方法的基本思想和相关理论。第二部分给出基于同伦分析方法和计算机数学软件Mathematica开发的软件包BVPh 1.0及其应用举例。该软件包可以求解具有多解、奇性、多点边界条件的多种类型的非线性边值问题。第三部分给出同伦分析方法求解非线性偏微分方程的一些典型例子,如美式期权问题、任意多个波浪的共振条件等。本书提供可免费下载的Mathematica程序,以方便读者更好地理解和应用该方法。本书适合于应用数学、物理、非线性力学、金融和工程等领域对强非线性问题解析近似解感兴趣的科研人员和研究生。关键词:非线性,微分方程,解析近似,美式期权,波浪共振。同伦分析方法(HAM)是由本书作者原创性提出的、求解强非线性问题的一种解析近似方法。与其他解析近似方法相比,同伦分析方法具有如下优点:●不依赖任何物理小参数,适用范围广;●提供简单、有效的途径确保解析级数解之收敛;●可自由选择相关线性子问题的方程类型和解的基函数。




Part Ⅰ Basic Ideas and Theorems
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and purpose
1.2 Characteristic of homotopy analysis method
1.3 Outline References
2 Basic Ideas of the Homotopy Analysis Method
2.1 Concept ofhomotopy
2.2 Example 2.1 : general_ized Newtonian iteration formula
2.3 Example 2.2 : nonlinear oscillation
2.3.1 Analysis of the solution characteristic
2.3.2 Mathematical formulations
2.3.3 Convergence of homotopy-series solution
2.3.4 Essence of the convergence-controlparameter co
2.3.5 Convergence acceleration by homotopy-Pade technique
2.3.6 Convergence acceleration by optimalinitial approximation
2.3.7 Convergence acceleration by iteration
2.3.8 Flexibility on the choice of auxiliary linear operator
2.4 Concluding remarks and discussions
Appendix 2.1 Derivation of & in (2.5 7)
Appendix 2.2 Derivation of (2.5 5) by the 2nd approach
Appendix 2.3 Proof of Theorem 2.3
Appendix 2.4 Mathematica code (withoutiteration) for Example 2.2
Appendix 2.5 Mathematica code (with iteration) for Example 2.2
3 Optimal Homotopy Analysis Method
3.1 Introduction
3.2 An illustrative description
3.2.1 Basic ideas
3.2.2 Different types of optimal methods
3.3 Systematic description
3.4 Concluding remarks and discussions
Appendix 3.1 Mathematica code for Blasius flow
Problems N N
4 Systematic Descriptions and Related Theorems
4.1 Brief frame of the homotopy analysis method
4.2 Properties of homotopy-derivative
4.3 Deformation equations
4.3.1 A briefhistory
4.3.2 High-order deformation equations
4.3.3 Examples
4.4 Convergence theorems
4.5 Solution expression
4.5.1 Choice of initial approximation
4.5.2 Choice of auxiliary linear operator
4.6 Convergence control and acceleration
4.6.1 Optimal convergence-controlparameter
4.6.2 Optimal initial approximation
4.6.3 Homotopy-iteration technique
4.6.4 Homotopy-Pade technique
4.7 Discussions and open questions
5 Relationship to Euler Transform
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Generalized Taylor series
5.3 Homotopytransform
5.4 Relation between homotopy analysis method and Eulertransform
5.5 Concluding remarks References
6 Some Methods Based on the HAM
6.1 A brief history of the homotopy analysis method
6.2 Homotopy perturbation method
6.3 Optimal homotopy asymptotic method
6.4 Spectral homotopy analysis method
6.5 Generalized boundary element method
6.6 Generalized scaled boundary finite element method
Part Ⅱ Mathematica Package BVPh and Its Applications
Part Ⅲ Applications in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
