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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语物流英语(第2版)



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 王艳 编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 职业教育现代物流管理专业系列教材·物流企业岗位培训系列教材
标 签: 经济管理


ISBN: 9787302282846 出版时间: 2012-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 209 字数:  


  物流无国界。随着世界各国之间贸易交往的日益密切,我国物流业已全面挺进国际物流市场,加强我国国际物流从业人员的英语培训已成为目前亟待解决的问题。 《职业教育现代物流管理专业系列教材·物流企业岗位培训系列教材:物流英语(第2版)》基于《职业教育现代物流管理专业系列教材·物流企业岗位培训系列教材:物流英语(第2版)》第1版进行更新与补充,使其更贴近经济生活,更符合社会发展,更好地为我国物流经济和教学实践服务。全书共10个单元,内容包括物流简介、客户服务、仓储、运输与配送、物流包装、国际物流、物流采购、第三方物流、供应链管理及物流信息管理等。 《职业教育现代物流管理专业系列教材·物流企业岗位培训系列教材:物流英语(第2版)》选材新颖、难度适宜、通俗易懂,注重突H{职业教育特点与实际应用,不仅可以作为职业院校物流管理专业的首选教材,也可以作为物流企业从业人员的培训教材,对广大社会自学者也是一本非常有益的参考读物。




unit 1 introduction to logistics
text 1 what is logistics
dialogue 1 introduction to logistics company
text 2 activities in logistics system
dialogue 2 visiting a logistics company
unit 2 customer service
text 1 what is customer service
dialogue i delay of delivering
text 2 how to improve customer service level
dialogue 2 making a complaint
unit 3 warehousing
text 1 warehouse operation
dialogue 1 visiting a warehouse
text 2 inventory management
dialogue 2 how much should i order
unit 4 transportation and distribution
text 1 transportation mode
dialogue 1 negotiating about the transportation conditions
text 2 distribution management
dialogue 2 partial shipment and transshipment
unit 5 packaging
text 1 introduction to packaging
dialogue 1 packing of silk stockings
text 2 functions of packaging
dialogue 2 the packaging of beer
unit 6 international logistics
text 1 containerization
dialogue 1 talking about the unloading port
text 2 main logistics documents
dialogue 2 change the port of destination
unit 7 purchasing
text 1 purchasing
dialogue 1 what is purchasing
text 2 purchasing process
dialogue 2 ordering equipment
unit 8 the third party logistics
text 1 the nature of the third party logistics
dialogue 1 searching the 3pl companies
text 2 3pl in china
dialogue 2 evaluating 3pl companies
unit 9 supply chain management
text 1 supply chain management
dialogue 1 developing a supply chain
text 2 developing trends in supply chain management
dialogue 2 the possibility of creating a supply chain
unit 10 logistics information management
text 1 the role of information management
dialogue 1 difference between legacy system and presentsystem
text 2 pick to light basics
dialogue 2 introduction to supply chain management informationsystem
appendix i logistics terms
appendix i reference keys
appendix iii international logistics words
appendix iv logistics documents
