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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学天文学/地球科学华南大地构造演化概论及野外勘查(英文版)



定 价:¥118.00

作 者: 李正祥,陈汉林,李献华 等著
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 地球科学 地质学 自然科学


ISBN: 9787030404862 出版时间: 2014-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 144 字数:  






PrefacePART 1 A TECTONIC OVERVIEW OF THE SOUTH CHINA BLOCK1.1 A brief reappraisal of tectonic models for southeastern SCB developed before the 1990s1.2 A cartoon time-space diagram summarising major events that shaped the SCB1.3 Pre-1 Ga basement compositions1.4 Mesoproterozoic to earliest Neoproterozoic Sibao Orogeny: Part of Rodinia assembly?1.5 Large scale mid-Neoproterozoic intraplate magmatism and continental rifting:Long-lived mantle plume activities and Rodinia breakup1.6 The Ordovicion-Silurian Wuyi-Yunkai ("Caledonian") Orogeny and foreland basin development1.7 Permian-Triassic orogenic events and a Jurassic-Cretaceous large magmatic province1.8 Transition from an Andean-type active margin (ca. 280 Ma to ca. 90 Ma) to the current Western Pacific-type margin soon after 90 Ma1.9 Effects of Cenozoic India-Eurasia collision on the western margin of the SCBReferences
PART 2 A TOUR OF THE GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF EASTERN SOUTH CHINA IN EIGHT DAYSDay 1. Sibao orogenesis to Neoproterozoic rift magmatismDay 2. Chencai Complex: Basement rocks of Cathaysia, Early Paleozoic Wuyi-Yunkai Orogeny, and the Jiang-Shao FaultDay 3. Late Mesozoic (post P-Tr Indosinian Orogeny) large magmatic provinceDay 4. Early Paleozoic strata in the Jiangshan region: Onset of the Wuyi-Yunkai Orogeny and structures of the Indosinian OrogenyDay 5. Early Paleozoic strata along the Sanqing-Shaohua section, and deformation contrast between the two sides of the Lizhu-Changshan Thrust: Onset and lateral extent of the Wuyi-Yunkai OrogenyDay 6.Structural and stratigraphic records Of the Permian—Triassic Indosinian Orogeny,and post—Orogenic basin and magmatic developments in NE JiangxiDay 7.Tianli Schists.Neoproterozoic rift magmatism and the Zhangshudun serpentinite complex,NE JiangxiDay 8.Guifeng Geopark:Cretaceous redbeds and Danxia landfoim‘ReferencesAPPENDIX
