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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治中国百姓生活记忆(英文)



定 价:¥138.00

作 者: 陈煜 著;刘晓霜,李娜,刘燕 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: FOR 老外 风俗文化 外语


ISBN: 9787508528946 出版时间: 2014-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 305 字数:  


After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Chinese people have experienced significant changes in life. The improvements in basic necessities of daily life and the enrichment of political, spiritual and cultural life reflect the social progress. This book aims to reflect such progress in dribs and drabs. It will help the readers to learn more about the contemporary Chinese society.




Many things needed to be done

Chinese tunic suit replaced the westem-style clothes and chi-pao
Fashionable Lenin Coat
Girls keen on bib overall
Little swallow wearing color clothes: platye
Food coupon starts the coupon era
Residence booklet to control influxes into the urban area
Free public eateries
Dusky and greasy row houses
Water supply station in Shanghai lanes
Walking-based transportation
Dangdang Bus reminds pedestrians to keep away from cars with bells
Cartoon dance needs a big brother
A divorce is hereby granted as mediation failed
Rural women have a bath in the bathhouse for the first time
Transferring Shanghai haircutters to open Silian in Beijing
National steelmaking movement
Wronged sparrow
Women were bashful when doing radio calisthenics
Merit students
The first national salary reform

The food substitute movement: Man-made meat essence and
appeasing hunger with chlorella
Lying-in women provided with a lump sum subsidy of 1 kg of eggs
Quota supply of vegetable, shallot, ginger and garlic
Umbrella and alarm clocks were also supplied with coupon
Three years in new, three years in old and three years in patched
No white buttons for white suit in Beijing
Red Guard hairstyle
State Council cuts sales of lipstick in China
Renovating Fangua Lane
Nine-storey Anhua Building nicknamed high-ranking official building
From honeycomb briquette to gas tank
21st Century
