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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术石油、天然气工业国际石油贸易实务



定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 闫柯菲,姚坤明,陈默 著;吴松林,江淑娟 编
出版社: 石油工业出版社有限公司
标 签: 工业技术 石油/天然气工业


ISBN: 9787518308040 出版时间: 2015-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 246 字数:  






Chapter 1 International Oil and Gas Trade
1.1 The Emerging Duopoly or Triopoly, and Oil Trading
1.2 The Choice of Oil Trading Currency
1.3 Oil Trading Ripe for Change
Chapter 2 Import and Export of Oil and Gas Industry
2.1 OPEC's Role and the Challenges We Face in the Petroleum Industry
2.2 Oil Vulnerability Index of Oil-importing Countries
2.3 Importing and Exporting Policy Implications of Oil for Sustainable Development
Chapter 3 International Business Agreements of Oil and Gas Industry
3.1 Recent Developments in Negotiating International Petroleum Agreements
3.2 Forms Types & Labels for Oil Investment Agreements
3.3 Long Term Contracts to Opportunity of Lng Markets
3.4 Agreements of LNG Market Drivers and Shipping
Chapter 4 The Market of Oil and Gas Industry in International Trade
4.1 Emergence of the New Geopolitical Risk-oil Price Paradigm
4.2 The Marketing Strategy of Chinese Firms:Case Study of the Chinese Petroleum Corporations in Africa
4.3 Increasing Role of China in the Oil Market
Chapter 5 International Transport of Oil and Gas Industry
5.1 Transporting Oil and Gas
5.2 Spotlight on Oil Transport Risks and Threats to Oil Transport
5.3 The Potential of Compressed Natural Gas Transport in Asia
Chapter 6 Oil Futures in International Trade
6.1 The Risks of Crude Oil Futures Trading
6.2 Futures:An Added Dimension to Trading Oil and Gas Stocks
Chapter 7 Oil Outlook in International Trade
7.1 Uncertainty in the Oil Outlook
7.2 The Outlook of Global Imbalances of Oil and Gas
Chinese Translation and Key to Exercises
