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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术小说历史小说格桑梅朵(英)



定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 降边嘉措 著;王国振 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508536101 出版时间: 2017-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 487 字数:  


  《格桑梅朵》是解放后中国藏族作家创作的第一部长篇小说。格桑梅朵,意为“幸福花”,它是本书中一对青年男女边巴和娜真纯洁爱情的寄托,也是藏族人民向往“吉祥如意”的象征。该书以1950年到1951年西藏和平解放历史事件为背景,以边巴和娜真的爱情为主线,通过细腻的笔触叙述了西藏从黑暗走向光明、从落后走向进步、从贫穷走向富裕、从专制走向民主、从封闭走向开放的伟大划时代变革和光辉历程。Kelsang Metok is the first full-length novel created by a Chinese Tibetan writer. Kelsang Metok or “flower of happiness” symbolizes the pure love between the hero Bamba and the heroine Nachi. It also highlights the Tibetan people’s aspirations for “good luck and happiness”. Taking their love as the main thread, this book tells the historical events of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) entering Tibet and the eventual peaceful liberation of the region in the period of 1950-1951. It details how the PLA and Tibetan people worked together to achieve this epoch-making change. After the peaceful liberation, Tibet moved from cultural and material backwardness to progress, from autocracy to democracy, and from a closed society to one opening up to the outside world.


  降边嘉措,中国社会科学院少数民族文学研究所研究员,《格萨尔》研究中心主任,中国社会科学院研究生院少数民族文学所博士生导师,从事当代藏学问题、少数民族文学研究,并发表多部文学作品。Jampel Gyatso is a researcher with the Institute of Ethnic Literature under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Director of the Gesar Research Center, and a doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Ethnic Literature under the Graduate School of CASS. As an expert in contemporary Tibetology and research of ethnic literature, he also engages in literary creation.


Chasing off the “Ghost”
A Homeless Person
The “Red Han” Are Coming
In the Primary Forest
Becoming Chinzhol Mami
Inside and Outside the Manor
Visiting the Monastery
Zhachin Ferry
Storm on the Jousting Field
After the Mud-rock Flow
Young Cedain’s Wish
Among the Tribes
The Rescue of Gyicun
Forest Fire
Auspicious Rainbow
Yak Transportation Team
Crossing the Tsola Mountain
Eagle Flies to Komchoipung
Remaining Buried in Mountains
Entering the City of Sunlight
