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实用视听说教程(下 教师用书 精编版)

实用视听说教程(下 教师用书 精编版)

定 价:¥50.00

作 者: 周国强,朱务诚,金杯,迟雯,闫卫锋 等
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 新标准高职公共英语系列教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787544646345 出版时间: 2017-03-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 183 字数:  


  《实用视听说教程(下 教师用书 精编版)/新标准高职公共英语系列教材》涵盖《实用视听说教程(下学生用书精编版)》的所有内容,同时提供一些教学上的建议、生词语的例句和必要讲解、听力部分的文本内容以及所有练习的参考答案,其目的是尽可能地为教师提供教学的便利。


暂缺《实用视听说教程(下 教师用书 精编版)》作者简介


Unit 1 Greeting Visitors
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Hello. I'm Mary Lee from London Electronics
Section B: How's everything going?
Section C: Did you have a good trip?
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 2 Our Company
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Who do you work for?
Section B: Could you tell me a little bit about Tesslink?
Section C: How long has SOFTBANK been in business?
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 3 Jobs and Places of Work
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: What do you do, Robert?
Section B: A lot of my work is routine secretarial work
Section C: This canteen is so beautiful!
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 4 Schedules and Appointments
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Does that sound OK so far?
Section B: When do you have in mind?
Section C: Could we change our appointment to 1:00 on Friday?
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 5 Product Description
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: And this is our latest product
Section B: Well, we've got a new model here
Section C: Huawei Smartphone
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 6 Entertaining
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow?
Section B: That was a delicious meal
Section C: Would you like something to drink/eat?
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 7 Placing an Order
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: We'd like to order some microchips
Section B: I'm ringing about an order we placed recently
Section C: I'm calling about the wrong order I received yesterday
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Unit 8 A New Job
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: I saw your advertisement in
Section B: Now, you'd like to join our team
Section C: Now tell me a little bit about the work you're doing at present.
Part Three: Watch and Learn
Part Four: After-class Activities
Appendix: Glossary
