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Award Phonics

Award Phonics

定 价:¥156.00

作 者: (新)吉莉恩·卡廷(Jillian Cutting)
出版社: 北京师范大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787303208005 出版时间: 2016-10-01 包装:
开本: 24开 页数: 600 字数:  




暂缺《Award Phonics》作者简介


1. Where is Jack?
2. Super Dan, the Fix-it Man
3. Rat-tat-tat
4. Mad, Sad, Glad
5. Where Is the Snail?
6. Rain
7. A Big Mistake
8. We Are the Same
9. Too Late!
10. Mario, How Are You Today?
11. All on the Wall
12. Ker-thump!
13. A Treat to Eat
14. What Do You See?
15. I Spell Very Well
16. What Happened Then?
17. West Street
18. A Pet You Have Not Met
19. The Ice Cream Cones on a Stick Trick
20. Aunt Kit Can Knit
21. Down the Hill
22. Gran's Legs Are Thin
23. Blink and Wink
24. Bring Me a String
25. Mice Like Rice
26. I Ride Outside
27. A Dark, Dark Night
28. The Frog and the Dog
29. Hop to the Shop
30. What Is Hot and What Is Not
31. The Cookbook
32. The Clown in Town
