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定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 宇文利 等 著
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: “认识中国·了解中国”书系
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787300265032 出版时间: 2019-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 244 字数:  




  YuWen Li,Professor of moral philosophy and political philosophy at School of Marxism in Peking University. In recent years, he has published numerous books and articles, which attract attention of the academia. Among his books and articles, his study of the values of the Chinese is quite noticeable. Please contact yuwen@pku.edu.cn for further information.


Chapter 1 Overview of Ideals and beliefs
Concepts of the Ideal and beliefs
Ideal and belief of Mankind 
Research on Ideal and Belief of Chinese People
Chapter 2 Chinese Belief System of Idealism and Its Characteristics
Ideal Chinese Characteristics Overview
The Ideal Chinese Society
The Chinese Belief System
Modern Development of the Chinese Belief System
The Characteristic of Chinese Idealism and Belief 
Chapter 3 Ideals and Beliefs of Contemporary Chinese
New trend and characteristics of ideals and beliefs of Chinese people
Realistic presentation of ideals and beliefs of Chinese people
Importance of Having a Clear Understanding of Ideals and Beliefs of Chinese People 
Chapter 4 Adhering to the Ideal and Faith of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Connotation of Ideal and Faith of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
The Development and Formation of the Ideal and Faith of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Ways to Stick to the Ideal and Faith of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 
Chapter 5 The Great Ideal and Lofty Belief of Communism
The True Connotation of the Communist Ideal and Belief 
Why the Party Members and Cadres Have to Establish the Communist Ideal and Belief
Fighting for Socialism and Communism 
