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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化中国文化中国建筑(英)



定 价:¥160.00

作 者: 蔡燕歆
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中华之美丛书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508540177 出版时间: 2018-08-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 232 字数:  


  “中华之美”丛书围绕中华优秀传统文化这一主题,择取其中15个专题分别加以介绍。这15个专题,包括以思想、智慧、艺术为主的“无形遗产”,以工艺、器物为主的“有形遗产”,以衣食住行乐为主的“民俗生活”,它们精心构架,有机结合,勾勒出中国文化的一个总体面貌,并反映出“中华文化的理念、智慧、气度、神韵”。 唐长安城到底什么样?“寺”是什么意思?皇家园林与私家园林有何区别?中国的近现代建筑经历了怎样的变化?新世纪的中国建筑又呈现出怎样的特点?本书结合大量精美的图片,希望能够带领读者倘徉在中国建筑几千年的历史长河之中,从古代传统建筑的辉煌成就、近现代时期纷繁复杂的发展历程,到当今壮丽的现代城市景观,为有兴趣的人士展现一个较为整体的中国建筑的面貌。 What was Chang’an City like in the Tang Dynasty? What is the meaning of “temple”? What are the differences between an imperial garden and a private garden? What changes did Chinese modern and contemporary architecture go through? What characteristics does Chinese architecture show in the new century? This book containing a lot of exquisite pictures is intended to guide readers through China’s long architectural history of thousands of years from the glorious achievements in ancient traditional architecture and the complicated course of development in the modern and contemporary era to today’s magnificent modern cityscapes and show a relatively complete picture of Chinese architecture to interested people.


  蔡燕歆,女,1980年生,籍贯浙江嘉兴。2009年毕业于上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,获博士学位。现任西南交通大学建筑学院副教授。主要研究方向:传统建筑文化、历史文化城镇与传统建筑保护利用。 Cai Yanxin, female, born in 1980, is a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang. She graduated from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University in Shanghai with a doctoral degree in 2009. Now she is an associate professor at the School of Architecture, Southwest Jiaotong University, mainly studying traditional architectural culture, historical and cultural towns, and protection and utilization of traditional architecture.


Ancient Cities
Capital Construction
Local Cities
Military Defense
Supreme Imperial Power
Palace Buildings
Temple Buildings
Tomb Buildings
Temples of Gods
Confucian Buildings
Buddhist Buildings
Taoist Temples
Islamic Buildings
Christian Buildings
Appreciation of Gardens
Imperial Gardens
Private Gardens
Vernacular Dwellings
Western Influences on Chinese Architecture
Pursuit of Self – Modern Architecture
Towards the New Period
Development of Modern Architectural Trends
Diversified Architectural Styles
Works of Foreign Architects in China
Architecture of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
