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当前位置: 首页出版图书古籍/国学国学著作英汉语言对比分析和研究



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作 者: 薛锦
出版社: 汕头大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787565837258 出版时间: 2019-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 172 字数:  




  薛锦,博士,教授。曾工作于北京第二外国语学院英语学院,现工作于北京科技大学外国语学院英语语言文学系。研究领域为心理语言学、二语习得、双语加工的认知神经机制。已出版专著3部,参编教材1部,在国内外核心期刊上发表论文30多篇(其中13篇CSSCI,4篇SSCI索引,4篇SCI索引),发表的期刊如:Brain Research,Cognitive Processing,Psychop hysiology,Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,Neuroscience Letters,Language Problems and Language Planning,Experimental Brain Research,《外语研究》,《外语界》,《北京师范大学学报》,《中国特殊教育》,《心理发展与教育》等核心期刊。主持或完成的科研项目如下:国家社科基金项目2项,教育部人文社科青年项目1项,北京市社会科学基金项匿1项,北京高等学校青年英才计划项目1项,北京第二外国语学院“青年领军人才”项目1项目,北京第二外国语学院的“学术领航”项目1项,2008 2014年北京第二外国语学院校级重点科研项目2项、校级教育教学改革项目2项。


0.1 The Comparative Linguistics vs. The Contrastive Linguistics
0.2 Areas of the contrastive study
0.2.1 Phonetics
0.2.2 Phonology
0.2.3 Morphology
0.2.4 Syntax
0.2.5 Seminaries
0.2.6 Pragmatics
0.3 Methods to the contrastive study
0.4 Purpose of comparing Chinese and English
Chapter 1 Phonology
1.1 Some terms in phonology
1.1.1 IPA
1.1.2 Phoneme
1.1.3 Syllable
1.1.4 Consonant
1.1.5 Vowel
1.2 Chinese and English phonology inventory
1.3 Contrasting phonological features between Chinese and English
1.3.1 Consonants
1.3.2 Vowels
1.3.3 Syllable structure
1.3.4 Tone
1.3.5 Rhythm
Chapter 2 Phonetics
2.1 Defining phonetics properties
2.2 Comparison of phonetic properties between Chinese and English
2.2.1 Chinese vs. English syllable structures
2.2.2 Chinese vs. English consonants
2.2.3 Chinese vs. English vowels
2.2.4 Chinese tone vs. English stress, intonation, rhythm
2.3 Chinese natives' difficulties in oral English production
2.3.1 Vowels
2.3.2 Consonants
2.3.3 Tone and stress
2.3.4 Words in connected speech
2.4 Comparative studies on phonetic features between L1 and L2
2.4.1 Interesting research questions, hypothesis and approaches
2.4.2 Comparative studies on phonetic features for Chinese-English bilinguals
Chapter 3 Morphology
3.1 Chinese and English as two typologically different languages
3.2 Comparing English and Chinese morphological structures
3.2.1 Derivational morphology
3.2.2 Inflectional morphology
3.2.3 Compound morphology
3.3 Comparing English vs. Chinese morphological awareness
3.3.1 Devel6pment of English morphological awareness
3.3.2 Development of Chinese morphological awareness
3.4 Transfer effects on morphological awareness and
reading development
3.4.1 Morphological awareness and monolingual reading
3.4.2 Morphological awareness and bilingual reading
3.5 Reading proficiency effects on the relationship between
morphological awareness and literacy development
3.5.1 Reading Disability and Morphological Impairment in English
3.5.2 Reading Disability and Morphological Impairment in Chinese
3.5.3 Reading proficiency effects on morphological
development for Chinese-English bilinguals
Chapter 4 Syntax
4.1 General Chinese and English syntactic features
4.2 Detail comparison on Chinese and English syntactic features
4.2.1 Basic sentence structures
4.2.2 Zero-subject structure
4.2.3 Nouns and pronouns
4.2.4 Number
4.2.5 Case
4.2.6 Gender
4.2.7 Modifiers
4.2.8 Relative clauses
4.2.9 Some specific syntactic structures
4.3 Syntactic structure problems encountered by
Chinese-English bilinguals
4.3.1 Subject-verb agreement
4.3.2 Juxtaposed sentence structures
4.3.3 Missing subjects
4.3.4 Topic-Comment structure in English
4.3.5 Inappropriate choice or missing of relative pronouns
4.3.6 Head-last relative clauses
4.4 Topics for research regarding Chinese vs. English syntactic features
4.4.1 Cognitive-neural differences during sentence processing
4.4.2 Translation Strategies in alternating sentence structures
Chapter 5 Semantics
5.1 Semantic relations between Chinese and English
5.1.1 Semantic correspondence
5.1.2 Semantic non-correspondence
5.1.3 Semantic Zero
5.2 Semantic comparison between Chinese and English
5.2.1 Chinese and English idioms containing color words
5.2.2 Different lexical encoding on the same concept
Chapter 6 Pragmatics
6.1 Areas of interest in pragmatics
6.2 Theories of Pragmatics
6.2.1 Michael Silverstein's "pure" indexes
6.2.2 J.L. Austin's concept of the performative
6.2.3 Roman Jakobson' s six functions of language
6.3 Pragmatic failures for Chinese vs. English bilinguals
6.3.1 Situation 1: Compliment and Response
6.3.2 Situation 2: Invitation and Acceptance
6.3.3 Situation 3: Refusal
6.3.4 Situation 4: Apology Strategies
6.3.5 Some other situations
6.4 Causes for pragmatic failures
Chapter 7 Rhetorical Devices
7.1 Semantic rhetorical devices
7.1.1 Metaphor and Simile
7.1.2 Metonymy
7.1.3 Irony
7.1.4 Personification
7.1.5 Oxymoron
7.2 Phonological rhetorical devices
7.2.1 Alliteration
7.2.2 Rhyme
7.2.3 Assonance
7.2.4 Onomatopoeia
