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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教辅学习方法/报考床头灯英语 3000词读物:希腊神话故事(纯英文)

床头灯英语 3000词读物:希腊神话故事(纯英文)

床头灯英语 3000词读物:希腊神话故事(纯英文)

定 价:¥12.80

作 者: 佚名
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787568272629 出版时间: 2019-08-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《床头灯英语 3000词读物:希腊神话故事(纯英文)》作者简介


Pandoras Box
Orpheus and Eurydice
The Labors of Hercules
The Son of Zeus-Hercules
The Lion of Nemea
The Horrible Hydra
The Wild Pig
Cleaning the Stables
The Amazons
The Golden Apples
Pygmalions Statue
The Great Hero Perseus
The Birth of Perseus
Dictys Discovery
Given a Dangerous Task
The Goddess Athena
The Three Blind Sisters
The Gorgon Medusa
The Titan Atlas
Andromeda and the Sea Monster
Stopping an Unwanted Wedding
Return to Argos
King Midas and His Golden Touch
Jason and the Argonauts
A Murdered Father
Pelias Trick
The Argo and the Argonauts
King Phineus
Losing Hylas
The Test
The Golden Fleece
Daedalus and lcarus
The Story of Theseus
The Birth of Theseus
The Four Giants
Theseus Meets His Father
Theseus and the Minotaur
Belleroph on and the Winged Horse Pegasus
