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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术农业科学农业基础科学跨境作物线虫的监测与治理:第一届一带一路国际线虫学术研讨会论文集



定 价:¥90.00

作 者: 彭德良,[美] 拉里·W.邓肯,黄文坤,[英] 丹尼·L.柯尼 编
出版社: 中国农业科学技术出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787511645654 出版时间: 2020-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 190 字数:  


  This book adopted 76 abstracts and papers submitted by the delegations.The topics included identification,diagnosis,and population dynamics of nematodes, ecological regulation of nematode diseases, comprehensive prevention and control of nematode diseases,relationships between mic-robiome and nematode resistance,relationships between biological clock and plant responses to nematodes,application of omics of synthetic biology,transc-riptomics,genomics,and CRISPR/Cas gene editing.




It Takes a Village:Conservation of Entomopathogenic Nematodes
Current Occurrences and Integrated Management of Cyst Forming Nematodes in China
Occurrence Status of Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Shaanxi Province
Nematodes and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Occurrence and Control of Dirylenchus destructor in China
The Fourth Dimension of Plant-pathogen Interaction:Circadian Clock
Nematode Research in Fiji,Cambodia & Myanmar
Plant Nematode Problems and Their Management in Thailand
Herbicide and Planting Density Impacts on Soil Nematodes Communities in Soybean Field
Plant-parasitic Nematode Problems in Egypt
Nematodes of Phytosanitary Potential and Their Impact on Food Security in Nigeria
Prevalence and Occurrence of Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Different Crop Varieties in Myanmar
Identification of Plant-parasitic Nematode Species in Cereal Growing Region of Kano State of Nigeria Using the ITS-5.8S rDNA Region
Interplay between Plant Circadian Clock and Biotic Stresses:From Arabidopsis to Soybean
Chemotaxis of The Second-stage Juvenile of Heterodera schachtii in Response to Different Compounds
Cold Acclimation Enhances Freezing Tolerance of Meloidogyne incognita Eggs
Development of Recombinase Polymerase Amplification assay for Rapid Detection
of Meloidogyne incognita,M.javanica,M.arenaria and M.enterolobii
New Morpho-ultra Structural and Molecular Insights of Spiral Nematodes (Hoplolaimidae:Rotylenchoidinae)from China
Discovery of Root-Lesion Nematode,Pratylenchus coffeae Infesting Sesame in China
First Report of Foliar Nematode(Aphelenchoides fragariae) Infecting Coprosma
grandifolia in New Zealand
The Investigation of Root-knot Nematode Disease on Kiwifruit in Shaanxi Province
Globodera artemisiae was Firstly Identified from Artemisia argyi in Gansu,China
Morphological and Molecular Identification of a Cyst Nematode on Maize in China
Morphology and Molecular Identification of a New Species of Heterodera
(Nematoda:Heteroderidae)from Microula sikkimensis in Cluna
Description of Cactodera eston/ca(Nematoda:Cactoderidae)from Southwest China
Description oflleterodera fici(Nematoda:Heteroderidae)from China
Morphological and Intemal Transcribed Spacer Sequences Variation Analysis of
Ditylenchus destructor Isolated from Angelica sine.nsis rn Gansu,Cluna
