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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 陈亚萍
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787560884806 出版时间: 2019-10-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Origins of the Study
1.2 Rationale for the Study
1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study
1.4 Organization of the Dissertation
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Origins of Intertextuality
2.1.1 Kristevas Intertextuality in Text
2.1.2 Saussures Implication for Intertextuality
2.1.3 Bakhtins Dialogism and Heteroglossia as Contributions to
2.1.4 BarthesCryptogram as Intertextuality
2.2 Developments of Intertextuality
2.2.1 Intertextuality in Applied Linguistics
2.2.2 Intertextuality in the Systemic Functional Field
2.2.3 Intertextuality in Text Linguistics
2.2.4 Intertextuality in Critical Discourse Analysis
2.2.5 Summary
2.3 Generic Intertextuality as a Type of Intertextuality
2.3.1 Generic Intertextuality in Critical Approach
2.3.2 Generic Intertextuality in Generic Approach
2.3.3 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework Construction
3.1 Delimitation of Generic Intertextuality
3.1.1 Overview of Genre Studies
3.1.2 Origins of Genre Studies
3.1.3 Properties of Genre
3.1.4 Criteria for Genre Decision
3.1.5 A Working Definition of Generic Intertextuality
3.2 Macro Socio-Semiotic Rationale Construction
3.2.1 Language as Semiotic Resource System
3.2.2 Discourse or Text
3.2.3 Discourse as Sign in Terms of Semiotics
3.2.4 Genre as Macro Social Semiosis System
3.2.5 Role of Ideology in Semiotic System
3.2.6 Summary
3.3 A Three-Dimensional Framework of Generic Intertextuality
3.3.1 Generic Intertextuality System
3.3.2 Generic Intertextuality Process
3.3.3 Generic Intertextuality Focus
Chapter Four Generic Intertextuality System
4.1 Disciplinary Knowledge Potentials
4.1.1 Knowledge and Disciplinary Knowledge
4.1.2 Elements in Disciplinary Knowledge Potentials
4.1.3 Summary
4.2 Macro-Speech Act Potentials
4.2.1 Macro-Structure
4.2.2 Macro-Rules
4.2.3 Macro-Action and Macro-Speech Act
4.2.4 Elements of Macro-Speech Act Potentials
4.3 Evaluation Potentials
4.3.1 Evaluation
4.3.2 Social-Oriented Evaluation and Generic Intertextuality
4.3.3 Summary
4.4 Modality Potentials
4.4.1 Mode,Modality and Multimodality
4.4.2 Multimodality and Generic Intertextuality
4.4.3 Significance of Multimodality Potentials in Generic Intertextuality
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Generic Intertextuality Process
5.1 Mechanism of Generic Intertextuality Process
5.2 Cognitive Models of Generic Intertextuality Potentials
5.2.1 Frame
5.2.2 Schemata
5.2.3 Plan
5.2.4 Script
5.2.5 Summary
5.3 Mental Models of Generic Intertextuality Process
5.3.1 Mental Models and Mental Spaces
5.3.2 Mental Spaces of Genres
5.3.3 Mental Space Integration and Generic Intertextuality
Chapter Six Generic Intertextuality Focus
6.1 Intentions as Mental Components of Actions
6.2 Intention as Focus of Generic Intertextuality Process
6.2.1 Properties of Intentions
6.2.2 Representation of Intentions
6.2.3 Realization of Intentions
6.3 Ideology and Generic Intertextuality Process
6.3.1 Understandings of Ideology
6.3.2 Function of Ideology in Generic Intertextuality
Chapter Seven Applications in English Teaching
7.1 Establishment of English Teaching Guideline
7.2 English Teaching in Practice
7.3 Role of Teacher
7.3.1 Interactive Mode in English Class
7.3.2 Use of Multimodality in English Teaching
7.4 Learning Assessment
Chapter Eight Conclusions
8.1 Major Findings and Contributions of the Study
8.2 Limitations of the Study
8.3 Further Research
