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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅教材高职高专教材汽车英语(第4版)



定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 黄星,魏巍,宋敏
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787115532442 出版时间: 2020-07-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  




  黄星该作者已出版译著二本、主编、参编字典二部、发表省级以上论文近50余篇、主编、参编基础英语及专业英语教材近40本、主持省级以上科研课题20以上、省级以上科研立项二等奖四项、三等奖两项、优秀奖多项。吉林省教学名师。 研究方向:语言教学、ESP教学研究、语言测试。


ntroduction to Cars 1
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 1
Passage AKinds of Cars 1
Notes 4
Vocabulary 4
Phrases and Expressions 5
Passage BTypes of Electric Vehicles 8
Vocabulary 10
Phrases and Expressions 11
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 11
Part牏蟆ave a Try 14
Troubleshooting Guide 14
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 15
Visiting the Car Company 15
Introduction to Automobile Engine 17
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 17
Passage AEngine Construction (I) 17
Notes 20
Vocabulary 20
Phrases and Expressions 21
Passage BEngine Construction (II) 24
Vocabulary 25
Phrases and Expressions 26
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 27
Part牏蟆ave a Try 29
Troubleshooting Guide 29
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 30
Asking for Opinions 30
Lubrication and Cooling System 32
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 32
Passage ALubrication System 32
Notes 34
Vocabulary 35
Phrases and Expressions 35
Passage BCooling System 38
Vocabulary 41
Phrases and Expressions 41
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 42
Part牏蟆ave a Try 44
Troubleshooting Guide 44
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 45
Talking about Car Maintenance 45
Introduction to Drive Train 46
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 46
Passage ADrive Train (I) 46
Notes 48
Vocabulary 49
Phrases and Expressions 50
Passage BDrive Train (II) 52
Vocabulary 55
Phrases and Expressions 56
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 57
Part牏蟆ave a Try 59
Troubleshooting Guide 59
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 60
Purchasing a Car in the Shop 60
Automotive Ignition System 61
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 61
Passage AElectronic Ignition System 61
Notes 63
Vocabulary 64
Phrases and Expressions 64
Passage BStarting System and Fuel
System 66
Vocabulary 69
Phrases and Expressions 69
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 70
Part牏蟆ave a Try 72
Troubleshooting Guide 72
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 73
Issuing the Information about a New Car 73

Introduction to Brake System 74
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 74
Passage ABrake System (I) 74
Notes 77
Vocabulary 77
Phrases and Expressions 78
Passage BBrake System (II) 81
Vocabulary 83
Phrases and Expressions 83
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 84
Part牏蟆ave a Try 86
Troubleshooting Guide 86
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 87
Repairing the Car 87
Suspension System 88
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 88
Passage ASuspension Components 88
Notes 91
Vocabulary 91
Phrases and Expressions 92
Passage BSuspension Types 94
Vocabulary 97
Phrases and Expressions 97
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 98
Part牏蟆ave a Try 100
Troubleshooting Guide 100
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 101
In the Car Laboratory 101
Automotive Steering System 103
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 103
Passage ATypes of Steering System 103
Notes 106
Vocabulary 106
Phrases and Expressions 107
Passage BPower Steering System 109
Vocabulary 111
Phrases and Expressions 111
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 112
Part牏蟆ave a Try 114
Troubleshooting Guide 114
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 116
Talking about the Steering System 116
Introduction to Instrument Cluster 117
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 117
Passage AGauges and Warning Lamps 117
Notes 120
Vocabulary 120
Phrases and Expressions 121
Passage BControls and Equipment 123
Vocabulary 126
Phrases and Expressions 127
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 127
Part牏蟆ave a Try 130
Troubleshooting Guide 130
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 132
Introduction to Gauges in Cars 132
Electric Vehicles 133
Part牏瘛echnical and Practical Reading 133
Passage ANine Technologies for Smart
Car 133
Notes 136
Vocabulary 137
Phrases and Expressions 137
Passage BMain Parts of Battery Electric
Vehicle 140
Vocabulary 141
Phrases and Expressions 141
Part牏颉lance at the Structure of the
Automobile 142
Part牏蟆ave a Try 145
Troubleshooting Guide 145
Part牏簟istening and Speaking 146
Information about the Crash Sensor 146
Vocabulary 147
Phrases and Expressions 158
汽车专业缩略词解释 165
参考译文 168
第1单元 轿车简述 168
第2单元 汽车发动机 173
第3单元 润滑和冷却系统 177
第4单元 传动系统 181
第5单元 自动点火系统 186
第6单元 制动系统 189
第7单元 悬架系统 193
第8单元 汽车转向系统 197
第9单元 仪表板 200
第10单元 电动汽车 204
