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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化文化理论文化遗产新探:跨界话语研究



定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 程乐 著,程乐,杨建平,蔡建明 编
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787308204354 出版时间: 2021-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 490 字数:  


  本书属于文化遗产平台,文化艺术与人类文明产品线。语种为英文,具有走出去潜力。本书稿为阐释当代文化遗产研究的学术编著,依托浙江大学近期举办第四届文化遗产世界大会(2018年9月1日至6日),面向文化遗产研究领域的全球**专家进行约稿并出版发行。本书将主要阐释从20世纪90年代起,在后现代主义、后殖民主义的思想启发下,学者们开始超越原有的技术化的遗产研究路径,更多地将遗产作为一种涉及多个社会群体的文化实践来研究;不仅关注遗产是什么,更关注遗产在社会生活中发挥了什么作用;不仅关注遗产如何保护,更关注遗产对于民众意味着什么;不仅关注遗产的本体,更关注人与遗产的互动,以重新理解遗产的本质。自此,国际遗产学界风气为之一变,新思想层出不穷,汇聚成了文化遗产思辨研究的潮流(Critical Heritage Studies)。


  程乐,男,浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院及光华法学院双聘教授、博士生导师。曾任香港理工大学博士后研究员、香港城市大学法学院及人文学院助理教授。现任法律与语言多文化国际协会副会长兼秘书长等社会兼职多项以及《法律话语国际期刊》《社会符号学期刊》等期刊主编。主要研究方向包括制度性话语、网络安全与通信规则、社会符号学、法律话语与翻译等。在国际权威期刊发表论文50余篇,出版有Exploring Courtroom Discourse(劳特利奇出版社2011年版)等专著及译著40余部。


Sharing Responsibilities in Managing a Residential Heritage Area: A Case Study of Darmo Area, Surabaya, Indonesia
Accessibility of Castles: Reality, Imagination and Good Practices for Memory and Dissemination
Agroecological Heritage: Elucidating the Place of Cycads in
Indigenous Mesoamerican Epistemologies Relationships Between Urban Anthropology and Cultural Heritage in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Mosques and Modernism in the Three Phases of the Turkish Republic
The Grey Area of Gender in Intangible Cultural Heritage: Analysis of Japan's Inscribed Elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
The Crafting of a New Act on the Protection of Cultural Property--The German Case
Advertisement: Construction and Communication of Memory
(A Study on Media Advertisement in Malayalam--An Indian Language)
Association Members with a Migration Background as Unexpected Heirs of Cultural Heritage in Allotment Garden Associations
Use the Impact of World Heritage Designation at Jiaohe Site in Xinjiang, China
Producing Cultural Heritage and Framing Expertise: Berlin' s Pergamon Museum
Social Innovations in Museum and Heritage Management
Challenges of Research on Trans-Boundary Cultural Heritage in Southern Africa
Tolerance in Urgent Need of Conservation: A Case Study of the Crumbling Jaina Heritage in Pakistan
Linguistic Representations of Home in a French-Kanak Children's Book: New Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage
Staying in Academia or Facing the Public: University Museums in China Today
Gender and Human Rights Within UNESCO's International Heritage Discourse: A Case Study of the Convention for Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The U.S.-Mexico Border in Visual Art by Chicanas/os: Transcending National Barriers of Cultural Heritage
Constructing Landscape History Using the Timeline Method: Case Study of the Landscape in Chengdu Plain, China
