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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物废水处理工程:新视角新技术与新应用(英文版)



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 郑晓英,林涛 编
出版社: 河海大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563064045 出版时间: 2020-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 310 字数:  






Part I Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Innovations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1 Environmental Effects of Wastewater
1.2 Characteristics of Wastewatcr
1.2.1 Main Contaminants in Wastcwater
1.2.2 Organic Contents in Wastewater
1.3 Wastewater Treatment Process
Chapter 2 Physical Treatment
2.1 Equalization
2.1.1 The Principles of Equalization
2.1.2 Types of Equalization Processes
2.1.3 Equalization Basin and Design
2.2 Sedimentation
2.2.1 Particles for Settling
2.2.2 Sedimentation Basin
2.3 Filtration
2.3.1 Granular Media
2.3.2 Filter Types and Backwash
2.3.3 Traditional and Innovative Filter System
2.4 Flotation
2.4.1 Mechanism
2.4.2 Process Design
2.4.3 New Induced-Air Flotation System
Chapter 3 Chemical Treatment
3. 1 Neutralization
3.1.1 Types of Processes
3.1.2 System and Control
3.2 Chemical Precipitation
3.2.1 Hydroxide Precipitation
3.2.2 Sulfide Precipitation
3.2.3 Iron and Aluminum Salt Precipitation
3.3 Chemical Oxidation
3.3.1 Chlorine
3.3.2 Ozone Oxidation
3.3.3 Hydrogcn Peroxide
Chapter 4 Physicochemical Treatment
4. 1 Adsorption
4.1.1 Theory of Adsorption
4.1.2 Properties of Activated Carbon
4.1.3 Adsorption System
4.2 Coagulation
4.2.1 Coagulation Mechanism
4.2.2 Coagulant Classification, Function and Selection
4.2.3 Improvement in Coagulation Process
4.3 Ion Exchange
4.3.1 Theoretical Basis of Ion Exchange
4.3.2 Ion Exchange Process
4.3.3 Plating Waste Treatment and Reuse
Chapter 5 Biological Treatment
5.1 Foundation of Biological Treatment
5.1.1 Characteristics of Microorganisms
5.1.2 Microbial Growth Kinetics
5.1.3 Factors Affecting Biological Treatment
5.2 Activated Sludge Process
5.2.1 Basic Concepts and Processes
5.2.2 Different Operation Modes of Activated Sludge Process
5.2.3 Oxidation Ditch System
5.2.4 Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)
5.2.5 Special Considerations of Industrial Wastewatcr
5.3 Traditional and Advanced Biofilm Process
5.3 1 Biofilm
5.3 2 Trickling Filter
5.3 3 Submerged Fixed Bed Biofilm Reactor
5.3 4 Rotating Biological Contactor
5.3 5 Fluidized and Expanded Bed Biofilm Reactor
5.3 6 Biofilm Airlift Suspension Reactor
5.3.7 Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor
5.4 Anaerobic Biological Treatment
5.4.1 Mechanism and Principles
5.4.2 Anaerobic Contact Process
5.4.3 Anaerobic Filter Reactor
5.4.4 Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)
Chapter 6 Ecological Treatment. Lagoons and Wetlands
6.1 Lagoons and Stabilization Basins
6.1. 1 Lagoons and Their Types
6.1.2 Lagoon Applications
6.1.3 New Aerated Lagoons System
6.2 Constructed Wetlands and Their Modifications
6.2.1 Components of Constructed Wetlands
6.2.2 Types and Modifications of CWs
6.2.3 Application of CWs in Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Chapter 7 Innovative Technologies
7.1 Fenton Oxidation
7.1.1 Principles of Fenton Oxidation
7.1.2 Optimum Operating Conditions
7.1.3 Electro-Fenton Oxidation
7.2 Membrane Biorector
7.2.1 Membrane Separation Principles
7.2.2 Membrane Biorcactor Process
