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作 者: Kong Xiangzhi 等 著,Zhu Lili 译
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787300294551 出版时间: 2021-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  


  As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, China's agricultural and rural development has also ushered into a new stage. How to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link them with the overall promotion of rural revitalization? How to strengthen the weak links in agriculture and rural areas and promote balanced development between urban and rural areas? What are the key aspects of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the agriculture modernization in rural areas? This book focuses on the above issues and introduces the rural revitalization strategy, modernization of agriculture and rural development from five aspects as new agricultural business entities, rural social security system, rural culture and education, rural governance model, and the construction of beautiful village. On the one hand, the book systematically analyzes the policy evolution of China's rural development and comprehensively displays the great achievements of China's rural reform. On the other hand, it deeply discusses the shortcomings and weaknesses in China's rural development in the new era, and puts forward targeted countermeasures, so as to provide reference for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, modernization of agriculture and rural development.


  Kong Xiangzhi,Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development at Renmin University of China, president of the Institute of Chinese Cooperatives, and chief editor of The Chinese Cooperative Economic Review.As a famous expert in the areas of China's agricultural policies, rural cooperative economy and forestry economy, Professor Kong writes extensively and has published more than 400 academic papers and more than 50 books (including co-authorship). Due to the excellent jobs he has done in teaching and research, he has won a lot of prizes, including Distinguished Teacher Awards in Beijing, Outstanding Achievement Prize on Scientific Research in Higher Education in Humanities and Social Sciences, and so on.


Chapter 1 New-type Agriculture Management Entities: Skeleton and Bridges of a Great Power's Agriculture
Section One Policy Evolution: From Framework to Details
Section Two Institutional Problems Faced by New-type Agriculture Management Entities: From Connotation to Extension
Section Three Solutions: From Breadth to Depth
Chapter 2 Rural Social Security Systems: Fences and Barriers of Farmers' Life
Section One The Development and Effectiveness of Policies
Section Two Seeking Vulnerabilities: From Framework to Main Body
Section Three Solutions: From Center to Edges
Chapter 3 Rural Cultural Education: Power and Fuel of Rural Development
Section One Policy Review: From Efficiency to Fairness
Section Two Problems to Be Solved
Section Three Some Emerging Trends: From Quantitative Change to Qualitative Change
Chapter 4 Rural Governance Mode: Pulse and Blood for Constructing Strong Villages Benefiting farmers
Section One Policy Evolution: From Correction to Integration
Section Two Seeking for Pearls: From Partial to Whole
Section Three Making up for Deficiencies: From Standardization to Sublimation
Chapter 5 The Construction of Beautiful Village: the Basis and Difficulties of Building Livable Villages
Section One Policy Evolution: From Concept to Pattern
Section Two Rough Analysis: From Layout to Portray
Section Three Changing the Old Practice: From Guiding to Motivating
