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当前位置: 首页出版图书生活时尚育儿/成长家庭教育直面黑天鹅:危机时刻的青少年心理疏导(英文版)



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 李慧生,曹丽莉 著
出版社: 海豚出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787511054777 出版时间: 2021-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 字数:  




  李慧生,毕业于北京师范大学教育系,在少儿教育及心理健康教育等方面有着扎实的知识储备及实践经验。现任天津师范大学学生心理健康教育中心主任、心理学副教授,中国心理学会临床与咨询心理学注册督导师,天津市家庭教育学会副会长,天津学生心理健康教育专家指导委员会专家等。 曹丽莉,南开大学社会学硕士,中科院心理所“心理咨询与治疗”博士班结业,慧生心理工作室兼职心理咨询、天津师范大学政治与行政学院应用社会学系讲师、天津市心理卫生协会理事、天津市青少年事务社工管理服务中心理事、国家二级心理咨询师。 北京传奇年代美育工作室成立于1997年,20多年来一直从事图书的插图、设计制作工作,其出版的图书在市场赢得了良好的声誉。其中由海豚出版社出版的《新幼儿英语》系列,累计销售近百万册;由北京语言大学出版社出版的《汉语乐园》系列远销海外,获得诸多赞誉。


Part One Life Is Long and Crises Come Along: Introduction to Psychological Crises of Teenagers 7
1.To start with “STRESS”: Are you under stress? 8
2. Physical reactions to stress: A call to action for your entire body 9
3. Ring the alarm, here comes a psychological crisis 10
4. Common psychological crises for teenagers: Have you fallen into the trap? 12
5. A major psychological crisis: Where there’s life, there’s hope 13
6. How does our brain work in times of crisis? 15
7. What feelings and emotion will we have in times of crisis? 17
8. What our behaviors will be like in times of crisis 18
9. The philosophy of balance: What cannot be changed and what needs changing 19
10. Welcome to the Lab of Life 21
Part Two Face Up to the Crisis and Accept Changes: See the Facts and Control Your Stress 23
1. Face up to the crisis: The brave have the courage to admit current??sufferings 23
2. Accept changes: The wise prefer to accept life as it is 25
Part Three Cope with the Crisis and Try to Adapt to the New Normal: Take Care of Yourselves
and Make Some Adjustments 28
1. Changing your mood is your thing — Calm down and think positively 28
2. Physical fi tness can lead to mental fi tness — Be positive and healthy 36
3. Find a balance between study and hobbies — Self-discipline will make us stronger 40
4. Maintain close relationships with your family members — Your family can be your treasure 46
Part Four Crisis-triggered Thoughts: Crises Can Bring Chances 52
1. Understand life and death — To live a wonderful life 52
2. Find the meaning of life — To think maturely 60
3. Look forward towards the future — Stay hopeful 64
