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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治外交、国际关系人间正道:构建人类命运共同体(英)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 李君如
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119129082 出版时间: 2021-12-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 151 字数:  


  推动构建“人类命运共同体”,是中国为完善治理体系而给出的“中国方案”,也是基于人类的历史教训、现实状况和发展趋势为人类描绘的“世界蓝图”,是21世纪筹划人类命运的选择。人类命运共同体之所以是“人间正道”,“正”就正在这一方案不谋一国之利,而为人类着想;不图一时之利,而为子孙后代着想。构建人类命运共同体,创新了治理的思维方式,开辟了世界秩序的宏大愿景,标识了中国外交的未来方向,开启了人类文明的崭新形态。 China’s proal to build a global comnity of shared future is aimed at improving global governance. This proal also presents a vision of the future for humanity, based on historical lessons, current等


  Li Junru,former vice president of the School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), researcher, doctoral supervisor, recipient of a special allowance from the State Council, member of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), member of the Standing Committee of the 11th CPPCC National Committee, and member of the Advisory Committee and leading expert on scientific socialism for the Marxist Theory Research and Development Project.Li has long been a researcher into the intellectual history of adapting Marxism to China's context. He has published the 18 volume Works of Li Junru, including the Mao Zedong research trilogy-Mao Zedong and Modern China, Mao Zedong and Contemporary China, and Mao Zedong and Post-Mao China-which won the 11th China Book Prize in 1998. He has published several hundred research papers, including \


●"Preface Chapter 1  Great Changes Call for a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 1 A Historical and Holistic Approach to Assessing International Developments and the Right Approach to China’s Role / 3 The Necessity and Urgency to Build a Global Comnity of Shared Future Amidst the Global Fight Against Covid-19 / 6 General Trends in World Development Reveal the Necessity to Build a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 17 Chapter 2  The Basic Meaning of a Global Comnity of Shared Future and Its Global Significance / 29 The Core of a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 31 The Global Comnity of Shared Future and the Comnity of the Future Society / 36 China’s Proal and Realization of a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 45 The Historic Significance of a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 50 Chapter 3  How to Build a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 61 Pathways of Building a Global Comnity of Shared Future / Main Steps for Building a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 74 Chapter 4  Promoting China’s Strategy of Building a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 89 Managing Our Own Affairs Well and Accelerating the Formation of a New Pattern of Development / 92 China’s Neiorhood as a Preferred Choice to Initiate the Building of a Global Comnity of Shared Future / 100 Defining China’s International ition and Responding to the Legitimate Concerns of Developed Countries / 108 Active Participation in Global Governance / 116 Appendix Appendix 1  Sino-US Relations Remain the Most Important Bilateral Relationship in the World Today / 123 Appendix 2  Cultural Exchanges and Dialogues Between China and the US Should Be Resumed After the Pandemic / 131 Appendix 3  “Thick Mountains Could Not Stop the River from Flowing into the Sea” / 137 Epilogue and Conclusion / 145 "
