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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科政治中国政治冰上丝绸之路(英)



定 价:¥100.00

作 者: 秦大河 著
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119130293 出版时间: 2022-04-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 179 字数:  






Chapter Ⅰ From the Belt and Road to the Polar Silk Road
Proposal and Deepening of the BRI
Proposal of the PSR
Chapter Ⅱ Geographic Environment of the Polar Silk Road
Natural Environment of the PSR
Cultural Environment of the PSR
Chapter Ⅲ Early Exploration and Development of the Polar Silk Road3s
Early Development of the PSR
History of International Scientific Exploration of the PSR
China's Scientific Exploration Activities along the PSR
Chapter Ⅳ Impacts of Global Climate Change on the Arctic
Climate Change in the Arctic
Cryosphere Evolution in the Arctic
How Climate Change Impacts the Polar Silk Road
Chapter Ⅴ Development of Shipping Routes along the Polar Silk Road
Current Status of the PSR Shipping Route
Prospects for the Development of the PSR Shipping Route
China's Exploration of the PSR Shipping Route
Chapter Ⅵ Cultural Exchange and Preservation of the Polar Silk Road
Indigenous Peoples along the PSR and Their Cultural Preservation
China's Participation in the Cultural Preservation of Indigenous Peoples along the PSR
Chapter Ⅶ International Cooperation in Building the Polar Silk Road
Awareness and Demands of Related Countries Regarding the PSR
China's Arctic Cooperation with Major Countries
Legal and Institutional Guarantee for International Cooperation on the PSR
Chapter Ⅷ China's Solution to the Development of the Polar Silk Road
China's Positioning
Development Path of the PSR
Jointly Building the PSR and a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
