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World Heritage in Transition 2013-2019(变化中的世界遗产2013-2019)

World Heritage in Transition 2013-2019(变化中的世界遗产2013-2019)

定 价:¥238.00

作 者: Lyu Zhou(吕舟)
出版社: 中国建筑工业出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787112256617 出版时间: 2021-05-01 包装: 平装-胶订
开本: 16开 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《World Heritage in Transition 2013-2019(变化中的世界遗产2013-2019)》作者简介


Recommendations of Domestic Experts
Recommendations of Foreign Experts
The Implementation and Mechanism of the Global Strategy of World Heritage
World Heritage Nomination and Implementation of the Global Strategy An Analysis of Balance and Representativeness of Inscribed Properties Since 2004
Nominations to the World Heritage List:An Analysis of Ga ming Relationship in the Examination Process
Analysis of the Development and Implementation Mechanism of the Concepts Concerning World Heritage Protection:A Perspective Based on Updates and Changes of the Third Cycle of the Periodic Reporting
Heritage Conservation Manage ment as One of the Three Pillars of OUV:Its Impact on World Heritage Nomination
Revie w and Analysis:the Upstrea m Process for World Heritage No mination
World Heritage Nomination and Conservation
Comnity Participation in World Heritage Conservation:Inspirational Concepts and Practices for China
The Weakening of the Standards of World Heritage Authenticity Assessment (2006-2016)
Evaluation and Protection of Integrity of World Cultural Heritage:A Perspective of Visual Integrity
Study of Impact of Nomination Strategies:2008-2017
Background Analysis and Adoption of the "One Nomination Per State Party Per Year"Practice
Research on the Revision of the Operational Guidelines in Past Several Years
Recent World Heritage Issues in Focus
Differences and Causes:Advisory Bodies Recommendations and World Heritage Co mmittee Decisions Made over the Past Five Years
Evolution of Nomination Strategy for the Architectural Work of Le Corbusier,an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement
World Heritage Property in Dispute
A Brief Analysis on the Development of International Theory of t Trauma Reconstruction for Historic Architecture
Developments and Challenges:Criteria for Inscription of Cultural Properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger
World Heritage Extension:Outstanding Universal Value and Integrity
Evolution of the Definition of Cultural Landscape:Fro m the English Lake District to the Khomani Cultural Landscape
About the Author
