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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术动力工程生物气溶胶的输运与传播特性:建模与应用(英文版 精)

生物气溶胶的输运与传播特性:建模与应用(英文版 精)

生物气溶胶的输运与传播特性:建模与应用(英文版 精)

定 价:¥199.00

作 者: 颜屹寰,屠基元 著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787302603801 出版时间: 2022-08-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 365 字数:  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Emerging Respiratory Pandemics
1.2 Transmission Modes
1.3 From the Fluid Dynamics Perspective
1.3.1 Exhalation
1.3.2 Transport Characteristics in the Air
1.3.3 Exposure and Inhalability
1.3.4 Deposition in Human Respiratory System
1.4 Research Method
1.5 CFD Application to Transmission Control
Chapter 2 Bioaerosol Dynamics
2.1 What is Bioaerosol
2.2 Types of Bioaerosols
2.3 Properties of Bioaerosol
2.3.1 Size Distribution
2.3.2 Kinetic Properties
2.3.3 Biological Properties
2.4 Motion in the Air
2.5 Dynamic Size Distribution
2.5.1 Evaporation and Condensation
2.5.2 Influential Factors
2.6 Deposition Mechanism
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Respiratory-based Bioaerosol Infections
3.1 Bioaerosol in the Air
3.2 Bioaerosol Inhalation and Deposition in Human Respiratory System
3.2.1 The Human Respiratory System
3.2.2 Concept and Physical Basis of Inhalability
3.2.3 Definition and Physical Basis of Deposition
3.2.4 Local and Total Respiratory Tract Deposition
3.2.5 Biological Mechanisms of Clearance and Redistribution
3.3 Bioaerosol-related Infections
3.4 Chain Infection due to Bioaerosol Transmission
3.5 Bioaerosol Infection Control
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Computational Fluid Dynamics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Principles of CFD and Equations
4.3 Turbulent Flow and Models
4.4 Bioaerosol Transport Models
4.4.1 Lagrangian Model
4.4.2 Eulerian Model
4.5 CFD Workftlow and Scheme
4.6 Current Status of CFD Software
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Effects of Occupant's Micro-environment on Bioaerosol Transport
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Metabolic Body Heat and Thermal Plume
5.2.1 Characteristic of the Thermal Plume for Sitting Posture
5.2.2 Interactions between Thermal Plume and Respiratory Flow
5.2.3 Plume Effect on the Contaminant Field
5.3 Computational Thermal Manikins
5.3.1 Four Simplification Approaches
5.3.2 Case Study of the CTM Simplification Approaches in an Enclosed Chamber
5.4 Quantifiable Simplification Approach for CTMs
5.4.1 Mesh Decimating Algorithm
5.4.2 Effect of MDA Simplification on Global Airfliow Field
5.4.3 Effect of MDA Simplification on Human Micro-environment
5.4.4 Case Study-Micro-environment of CTMs using Various Simplification Approaches
5.5 Thermal Airflow Field
5.5.1 Case Study-An Enclosed Chamber
5.5.2 Case Study-A Reduced-scale Cabin Environment
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Bioaerosol Transport in Occupied Environments
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Tracking Models of Bioaerosol Transport
6.2.1 The Lagrangian Approach
6.2.2 The Eulerian Approach
6.2.3 Bioaerosol Concentration and Distribution Transport
6.2.4 Case Study-Bioaerosol Transport in a Small Chamber
6.3 Impacts of Indoor Ventilation Scheme
6.3.1 Case Study-Comparison of the Displacement and Mixing Ventilation in a Small Chamber
6.3.2 Case Study-Effect of the Ventilation Layouts in a Conference Room
6.4 Bioaerosol Transport in Densely Occupied Environment
6.4.1 Case Study-A Typical Cabin Environment
6.4.2 Case Study-A Public Transport Train Cabin
6.4.3 Case Study-A Large-scale Airliner Cabin Environment
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Influential Factors on Bioaerosol Transport
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Effect of Dynamic Droplets Size Distribution in Indoor Spaces
7.2.1 Droplets Size Distribution from Various Respiratory Behaviour
7.2.2 Droplets Size Reduction due to Evaporation
7.2.3 Case Study–Dynamic Size Reduction of Cough Released Bioaerosols and Droplets due to Evaporation
7.2.4 Case Study–Interactions between Human Thermal Plume and Cough Released Droplets
7.2.5 Delayed Droplets Deposition
