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定 价:¥60.00

作 者: 中央民族学院少数民族文学艺术研究所
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 画谱/画册


ISBN: 9787800050022 出版时间: 1987-01-01 包装: 铜版纸
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  本书详细介绍了Java Web应用程序开发的相关知识和技能,主要内容包括Java Web基础环境搭建、Java Web开发概述、JSP基础、JSP指令和动作、JSP内置对象、Servlet基础、Servlet会话跟踪、Servlet监听和过滤、EL和JSTL、JDBC数据库编程等。本书不仅对相关的理论知识进行了深入分析,而且结合示例进行讲解,通过通俗易懂的文字和丰富的配图,使读者更充分地理解Java Web应用程序的工作原理。本书可作为计算机软件以及其他计算机相关专业的教材,也可以作为Java Web编程人员的参考书。




'Phags-pa's Historical Merits
The Artistic Characteristics of The Biographical Paintings of 'Phags-pa
A Preliminary Study of the Making of The Biographical Paintings of 'Phags-pa
A History Book in Pictures
1 The Eminent Monks of Tibetan Buddhism of China(1)
2 The Eminent Monks of Tibetan Buddhism of China(2)
3 Buddhas of Esoteric Buddhism(1)
4 Buddhas of Esoteric Buddhism(2)
5 The Birth of 'Phags-pa
6 Sa-pan and 'Phags-paGoing to Liangzhou
7 'Phags-pa's First Interview with Kublai
8 'Phags-pa Educating the People
9 'Phags-pa Performing Magic Power
10 'Phags-pa Holds a Consecration Ceremony for the Newly Completed Stupa of Sa-pan
11 The Controversy Between 'Phags-pa and Taoists
12 The Renovation of Sa-skya Monastery
13 'Phags-pa's First Return to Sa-skys Monastery
14 'Phags-pa Listening to the Expositions of Sutras and Making Donations
15 'Phags-pa Estab;osjes tje Sa=slua Ad,omostratove System and Appoints Officials,Then Sets Off for the Capital City
16 The Extension of Southern Sa-skya Monastery
17 'Phags-pa Presiding Over Abhiseka Ceremony for Emperor Kublai
18 'Phags-pa Second Return to Tibet
19 'Phags-pa Second Return to Sa-skya Monastery
20 'Phags-pa Celebrating His Two Appointments
21 'Phags-pa Presiding Over Prayer-meeting at Chu-mig
22 'Phags-pa and His Disciples Disseminating Buddhist Doctrines
23 'Phags-pa Passed Away
24 Funeral Ceremony
