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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史风俗习惯中国少数民族节日(英文版)



定 价:¥68.00

作 者: 邢莉
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 中国民族多元文化丛书
标 签: 其他读物


ISBN: 9787508509990 出版时间: 1899-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 128 字数:  


  China is one of the world's great ancient civilizations with a history of some 5.000 years.Celebrations and festivals are an intrinsic part of that civilization.Some festivalshave been held continuously for over 2.000 years. The festivals are important sources of cultural expression and enjoyment not only for Chinese people,but also for neighboring Asian countries and for expatriate Chinese communities around the world.Indeed one could confidently say that Chinese festival culture is now an intrinsic part of global heritage and culture.




Chapter Ⅰ Chinese New Year
Ⅰ.New Year Celebrations in Northeast and Northwest Chinese Minorities
Ⅱ.New Year Celebrations Among Some Ethnic Groups in Southwest China
Ⅲ.The Celebration of New Year Among Ethnic Groups in the South and Southeast of China
Chapter Ⅱ Festivals of Production
Ⅰ.Festivals to Celebrate the Harvest
Ⅱ.Festivals Praying for Harvest
Ⅲ.Tasting the New Produce Festival:Common to Many Ethnic Groups
Ⅳ.Festivals Celebrating the Harvest
Chapter Ⅲ Sacrificial and Commemorative Festivals
Ⅰ.Pure Brightness Day
Ⅱ.The Dragon Boat Festiva
Ⅲ.Other Commemorative Festivals on Which Sacrifices Are Offered
Chapter Ⅳ Religious Festivals
Ⅰ.Folk Reliqious Festivals
Ⅱ.Buddhist Festivals
Ⅲ.Islamic Festivals
Chapter Ⅴ Recreational Festivals
Ⅰ.The Horse-racing Festivals of Nomadic Ethnic Groups
Ⅱ.The Singing Festivals of the Northern Ethnic Groups
Ⅲ.The Singing Festivals of the Southern Ethnic Groups
Chapter Ⅳ Women's Festivals
Ⅰ.Enjoying the Sisters' Meal and the Sisters Festival
Ⅱ.The Mid-Autumn Festival and Women
Ⅲ.Flowers-Picking Festival
