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作 者: 曹娟、方力
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 中学英语拓展阅读丛书
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787544607308 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 101 字数:  






1 A States of the Middle Atlantic Region
1 B William Penn's Legacy
2 A The Shy Angel
2 B A Woman with a Flare for Success
3 A Australian Aborigines:Living with a Land and a Legacy
3 B Early Tools and Toolmaking
4 A John F. Kennedy: Soft on Civil Rights?
4 B Bringing History Back to the White House
5 A Film and the Depression
5 B Edison's Kinetoscope and the Birth of the Movies
6 A The Genius of Ancient Rome
6 B Augustus and the Pax Romana
7 A Haves and Have-Nots in the 1950s
7 B Homelessness in the Twenty-First Century
8 A I Do, I Do-In Any Tradition
8 B Making a Match: The Role of the Shadchan
9 A The Changing Roles of American Women
9 B Helen Keller's Activism
10 A The Russians and the Aleuts
10 B The Aleuts of the Pribilofs
11 A Map Projections
11 B Mercator If by Sea
12 A The Electoral College
12 B Andrew Jackson and the Electoral System
13 A A Navel Journey
13 B Hazardous Harvests
14 A The Birth of Credit and Debt
14 B Using Credit Cards the Smart Way
15 A Gandhi and Nehru: Shared Goals, Opposing Values
15 B Celebrating Independence
16 A Sputnik Sparks the Space Race
16 B The "Sputnik Effect".
17 A Japan's Unruly Geography
17 B What Is an Archipelago?
18 A The Tension Between Free Enterprise and Government Regulation
18 B Food from the 'Hood
19 A The Emancipation Proclamation: "A Fit and Necessary War Measure"
19 B The Fighting 54th
20 A Jury Duty, Jury Rights
20 B Selecting Judges
21 A The Haitian Revolution: Casting Out the Caste System
21 B Toussaint Louverture, the Sudden Hero
22 A Jefferson and Hamilton: Hate that Shaped a Nation
22 B Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations .
23.4 Beware the Air
23 B Pedaling Against Pollution
24 .4 The Many Battles of World War Ⅱ Military Women
24 B Oveta Culp Hobby: Woman Warrior
Answer Key
Reading Rate
Comprehension Score
Comprehension Skills Profile
