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定 价:¥39.00

作 者: 张震久,袁宪军 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 写作


ISBN: 9787301178041 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 592 字数:  






一、 两点建议
二、 提高组词造句的能力
三、 段落的写作方法
四、 各种文体的基本写作技巧
五、 培养挖掘写作内容的能力
六、 作文考试的命题形式
七、 口头作文提示
No.1 Our School (我们的学校)
No.2 Life at School (学校生活)
No.3 Teachers and Students (老师学生)
No.4 Schoolmates and Friends (同窗好友)
No.5 Extracurricular Activities (课外活动)
No.6 Vacation (假期生活)
No.7 Way of Study (学习之道)
No.8 Language Learning (语言学习)
No.9 Language and Communication (语言与交流)
No.10 Examination (考试)
No.11 Way to Success (成功之路)
No.12 Make Full Use of Time (爱惜光阴)
No.13 On Books (书籍与读书)
No.14 Happiness (幸福观)
No.15 Ideals and Wishes (理想与愿望)
No.16 On Will (立志)
No.17 Self-cultivation (道德修养)
No.18 Good Manners (文明礼貌)
No.19 Friendship (友谊)
No.20 Habit and Hobby (习惯和爱好)
No.21 Education (教育)
No.22 Children and Childhood (儿童与童年)
No.23 Recollections of the Past (往事的回忆)
No.24 Profession (职业与择业)
No.25 Health (健康)
No.26 My Parents (我的父母)
No.27 My Hometown (我的家乡)
No.28 Love and Marriage (爱情与婚姻)
No.29 Family (家庭)
No.30 Festivals and Holidays (新年佳节)
No.31 City Life and Country Life (城市与农村生活)
No.32 Sports (体育)
No.33 Recreations (消遣与娱乐)
No.34 Excursion (郊游)
No.35 Tourism (旅行与旅游)
No.36 Transportation (交通工具)
No.37 Dwellings (民居)
No.38 Money (金钱问题)
No.39 Generation Gap (代沟)
No.40 Women (妇女问题)
No.41 Population (人口问题)
No.42 Traffic Problem (交通问题)
No.43 Environmental Protection (环境保护)
No.44 Resources (资源)
No.45 Energy Supply (能源)
No.46 Economic Development (经济发展)
No.47 Science and Technology (科学技术)
No.48 Computer and Internet (计算机与网络)
No.49 Television (电视)
No.50 Mass Media (传播媒介)
No.51 Advertisements (广告)
No.52 Daily Happenings (生活琐记)
No.53 Social Issues (时事话题)
No.54 Aspects of Life (生活面面观)
No.55 Perception in life (人生感悟)
No.56 Suicide (自杀问题)
No.57 Natural Phenomena (自然现象)
No.58 Climate (气候)
No.59 Tree-planting (植树造林)
No.60 Animals (动物)
No.61 Flowers (花卉)
No.62 Natural Produce (物产)
No.63 Beautiful Sights (日月星辰)
No.64 Changes of the Weather (风云雨雪)
No.65 Scenery of the Four Seasons (绚烂四季)
No.66 Sketches of Natural Scenes (山水的描写)
No.67 Sketches of Animals and Birds (飞禽走兽的描写)
No.68 Sketches of Fish and Insects (鱼虫的描写)
No.69 Sketches of Human Figures (各色人物的描写)
No.70 Comparing and Contrasting (对照比较)
No.71 Procedure (操作程序)
No.72 Writing Based on Pictures (图表及图画说明)
No.73 Letters (书信)
No.74 Practical Writings (应用文)
Appendix (附录)
