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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术环境科学、安全科学环境综合研究吴良镛论人居环境科学



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: 吴良镛 著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 社会与环境

ISBN: 9787302238379 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 138 字数:  


  《吴良镛论人居环境科学(吴良镛选集)》:Chinese Academy ofSciences,Academic Committee Consultative and AdvisoryProject,Chinese Academy of Engineering,Consultative and ResearchProject,Beijing Municipal Commission of Education,BeUingHigh-School Construction Project.




1 Sciences of Human Settlements:Theoretical and Practical Explorations
1.1 The Sciences ofHuman Settlements in the World
1.2 Recent Rural and Urban Development in China
1.3 Theoretical Developments at the Center for Science of Human Settlements ofTsinghua University
1.4 Practical Developments at the Center for Science of Human Settlements ofTsinghua University
1.5 Conclusio
2 Urbanization,Sciences of Human Settlements,and the Practice of Urban Planning in China
2.1 Urbanization:The Theme ofthe Age
2.2 Development of Sciences ofHuman Settlements
2.3 Theoretical Application of Sciences of Human Settlements in the Practice ofUrban and Rural Planning in China
2.4 Conclusion
3 Transformation of Development Mode and Exploration on Sciences of Human Settlements
3.I Development Mode in the 1 9 and 20 Centuries and
Three Main Themes of Exploration on Human Settlements
3.2 New Opportunities and Challenges
3.3 Exploration on and Progress of Theories of Sciences of Human Settlements
3.4 Methodology and Action Guide
Appendix A On Wu Liangyong'S Theories about
Sciences of Human Settlements
A.1 IntrOductiOn
A.2 Formation of Human Settlement Theories
A.3 Features ofTheories on Human Settlements
A.4 Methodology Sciences of Human Settlements
A.5 Conclusion Bibliography
Appendix B Wu Liangyong:A Great Conductor of Symphony for Concrete
B.1 Teaching Tirelessly by Personal Example as well as VerbalInstruction
B.2 Chinese Culture as Basis and Western Culture as Reference
B.3 Sciences ofHuman Settlements and General Theory ofArchitecture
B.4 New Thoughts on the New Master Plan of Beijing
