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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语少儿英语名牌小学入学准备与测试:英语



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 胡惠芬 著
出版社: 少年儿童出版社
丛编项: 名牌小学入学准备与测试
标 签: 童书 幼儿启蒙 幼儿园教材及入学准备


ISBN: 9787532495474 出版时间: 2014-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 80 字数:  






Beautiful park
Going home
Where is my mother
Bee, bee, I'm a little bee
Try to read the words
Letters in life
This is Amy
I am Peter
Hello, May
I say ...
I can run
I like singing
It's morning
It's afternoon
Up and down, left and right
Take out your book
I am a pupil now
Put up your hands
Turn on the radio, please
We need a ball
Touch the doll
I'm hungry
I am happy
How do you go to
the kindergarten
Go to school
Happy New Year
I can draw my face
Look in the mirror
These are arms
Who is he
Have some orange juice
Making fruit salad
I like chocolate
I like cucumbers
What is it.
What can you see in the forest
Is that a zebra
Look, it's a rabbit
That's a pig
Ant on the grass
Where is the crab
What can animals do
Have some eggplants
Flowers, flowers
A carnation for you
The living room
In my room
Where are you going
What can you see in the park
Playing in the Children's Garden
Here is the Bund
Oriental Pearl TV Tower
Beautiful world
Number game
Missing numbers
Colour the right numbers
What time
It's seven in the morning
What shape
Circle, square and triangle
Red and green
I like pink
What colour is it
How's the weather
It's spring
Summer is hot
My home
I love them
My mother and my father
My brother and my sister
What do you want to be
Here's a pencil
May I use your book
I have ...
You have ...
Put the books in the bag
Is there a ball in the box
Put on your hat
Give me a plate
