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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术舞蹈手之舞之:中国古典舞手舞研究(英)



定 价:¥99.00

作 者: 刘岩
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 舞蹈 舞蹈理论 艺术


ISBN: 9787508533230 出版时间: 2016-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 0 字数:  






Abstract Introduction Research Status of Hand Dance in Chinese Classical Dances 1.1 The Existent Forms of Chinese Classical Dances 1. Basic Hand Shapes of the School of Shen Yun of Chinese Classical Dances 2. Basic Hand Shapes in the Han-Tang School of Chinese Classical Dances 3. Basic Hand Shapes in the School of Dunhuang of Chinese Classical Dances 4. Modes of Motion of Hand Dance in Chinese Classical Dances 5. Practices of Hand Dance of Chinese Classical Dances in Training 1.2 A Case Study of Hand Dances in the Dance Creation of Chinese Classical Dances 1. Tang Mancheng: The Typical Application of Hand Dances in the Shen Yun School in Ru Ci Duo Jiao (So Rich in Beauty) 2. Sun Ying: An Analysis of the Hand Dance in the Han-Tang, School from Stepping Dance to Tong Que Ji 3. Gao Jinrong: The Application of Typical Hand Dances in The Rain of Flowers on the Silk Road, the Predecessor of the Dunhuang School The Realistic Basis from Life and Cultural Basis of the Hand Dance in Chinese Classical Dances 2.1 The Realistic Basis from Life of Hand Dance 1. The Main Means of Expression of Sign Language 2. Nouns and Verbs in Sign Language 3. Various Sentence Patterns in Sign Language 2.2 The Cultural Basis for Hand Dance in Chinese Classical Dances 1. An Analysis of the Hand Dance Movements in Grotto Statues and Unearthed Cultural Relics 2. The Preaching and Singing Culture of the Temples in Tang Dynasty 3. A Case Study of Thousand-handed Bodhisattva Avalokite?vara (Guānyīn) 2.3 The Gestures and Movements in Dances of Chinese Traditional Operas 1. The Materials of Movements in the Hand Dance of Liyuan Opera 2. The 53 Moves in Mei Lanfang School of Peking Opera 3. The Extraction and Application of Hand Movements in Liyuan Opera The Artistic and Cultural Features of Hand Dance of Chinese Classical Dances 3.1 The Characteristics of Artistic Expression of Hand Dance of Chinese Classical Dances 1. Artistic Representation: The Features of Narrative Hand Movements 2. Artistic Presentation: The Features of Lyrical Hand Movements 3.2 The Characteristics of Cultural Symbols of Hand Dance of Chinese Classical Dances 1. Basic Modes of Hand Dance of Chinese Classical Dances 2. Cultural Features of Hand Dance of Chinese Classical Dances Conclusion Bibliography Appendix Acknowledgements
