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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化世界各国文化字母词的称名学研究及其对词典编纂的启示



定 价:¥69.00

作 者: 谢君 著
出版社: 厦门大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787561584088 出版时间: 2021-12-01 包装:
开本: 16开 页数: 172 字数:  


  2012年以傅振国为代表的一批学者状告《现代汉语词典》第6版违法收录239个字母词。此次事件不但折射出许多学者长期以来对英语入侵汉语的担忧,同时也反映了一些学者对词典编纂缺乏专业且深入的认识。字母词在中国是否真的已经发展到如众学者所担忧的造成汉语岌岌可危的地步?《现汉》收录字母词果真不可取吗?规范型汉语语文词典和英汉、汉英双语语文词典该如何正确地收录和定义字母词?《现代汉语词典》将在认知社会语言学框架下,通过探寻字母词及其汉字同义词的生存状态来尝试回答上述问题。字母词的产生和发展属于词汇变异和发展的研究范畴。任何词汇变异和发展都遵循语言变异和发展的总体规律,字母词也不例外。字母词的产生源自语言经济原则(economy)和语言表现力(expressivity)双重因素的作用,其形成机制虽依循语言变异的总体机制,但有其具体表现。字母词产生之后,将在变异和发展的第二阶段,即变体选择阶段,与其形式称名变体汉字同义词为进一步生存而产生竞争。要对字母词及其汉字同义词的产生以及在变体选择阶段的生存状况有充分的认识,就必须全面考察字母词及其汉字同义词的词汇结构、词汇产生机制、字母词和汉字同义词的竞争结果以及影响竞争的因素。为此,《字母词的称名学研究及其对词典编纂的启示》引入了认知社会语言学框架下的称名学(onomasiology)研究模式。该模式的认知社会语言学背景使其具备了传统称名学在词汇变异研究方面所不具备的优越性,为词汇变异中的称名变异(onomasiological variation)研究提供了定性和定量两种分析视角。




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivations for the Research
1.1.1 Insufficient Understanding of Two Issues
1.1.2 Limitations in the Current Research on Lettered Words
1.2 Aims and Significance of the Research
1.2.1 Aims of the Research
1.2.2 Significance of the Research
1.3 Methodology of the Research
1.4 Innovations of the Research
1.5 Organization of the Book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Researches on Lettered Words at Home and Abroad
2.1.1 Domestic Researches on Lettered Words
2.1.2 Overseas Researches on Lettered Words
2.2 Researches on Onomasiological Variations and Changes at Home and Abroad
2.2.1 Domestic Researches on Onomasiological Variations and Changes
2.2.2 Overseas Researches on Onomasiological Variations and Changes
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 The Study of Onomasiological Variations and Changes from the Perspective of Cognitive Sociolinguistics
3.1 Language Variation and Change
3.1.1 The Relationship between Language Variation and Change
3.1.2 Motivations for and Mechanisms of Language Variation and Change
3.2 Onomasiological Variations and Changes
3.2.1 Types of Onomasiological Variations
3.2.2 The Integrated Process of Onomasiological Variations and Changes
3.2.3 Motivations for and Mechanisms of Onomasiological Variations and Changes
3.3 The Cognitive Sociolinguistic Approach to the Study of Onomasiological Variations and Changes
3.3.1 The Contribution of the Traditional Onomasiology to the Study of Onomasiological Variations and Changes
3.3.2 The Contribution of Cognitive Sociolinguistics to the Study
of Onomasiological Variations and Changes
3.3.3 The Cognitive Sociolinguistic Model of Onomasiology
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 The Onomasiological Study of Lettered Words and Their Mandarin Chinese Synonyms from the Perspective of Cognitive Sociolinguistics
Chapter 5 Implications for Lexicography
Chapter 6 Conclusion
