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定 价:¥315.95

作 者: Jack Cummings 著
出版社: 吉林长白山
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780471695783 出版时间: 2007-09-01 包装: 精装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  The tax breaks and loopholes built into real estate make it one of the most profitable investments in the world. In fact, the real estate tax exchange loophole—known as the 1031 Exchange—is one of the greatest tax loopholes in existence. This loophole allows a real estate investor to sell a property without paying a penny in capital gains tax—as long as the investor reinvests his or her profits into another property. Not only is this a great way to invest without paying taxes, it's also a great way to grow real wealth over time. The rules can be confusing, but tax exchange works for every investor, big or small. This handy guide offers detailed, step-by-step advice on using the 1031 Exchange—and much more: How the capital gains tax works Other little-known real estate loopholes Creative real estate financing techniques Advanced elements of tax-free exchanges Terms and concepts you need to know Eight things that can hold up a closing Transferring debt to other properties How zoning laws affect your investments How tax-free exchanges affect your tax shelter Where to find potential exchanges Twelve creative techniques applied to exchanges Nine booby traps to watch out for in exchanges




Chapter 1.How to Use this Book to Maximize Your Real Estate Investment Profits
Chapter 2.The Real Estate Insider's Bag of Loopholes
Chapter 3.How to Put the IRS on Your Side for a Change
Chapter 4.The Nitty Gritty of IRS Tax Loopholes
Chapter 5.How a 1031 Exchange Will Put Money into Your Pocket
Chapter 6.Advanced Elements of the "Tax Free Exchange"
Chapter 7.How to Make a One-on-One Exchange
Chapter 8.How Real Estate Exchanges Work
Chapter 9.Twelve Creative Techniques Applied to Exchanges
Chapter 10.Booby-Traps that Await You in Exchanges
Chapter 11.Closing Section 1031 Exchanges the Qualified Interemediary's Point of View
Chapter 12.Putting it Together for Successful Transactions
Master List of Terms and Concepts You Need to Know
