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视像博客 Videoblogging

视像博客 Videoblogging

定 价:¥271.00

作 者: Jay Dedman 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780470037881 出版时间: 2007-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 字数:  


  Amazing, isn't it? You're on equal footing with multibillion-dollar TVand movie producers. Videoblogging lets your audience see your cause, your story, and your personal creations : and can be distributed to anyone with Internet access. Since the videoblogging community is all about sharing, more than 20 experts have kicked in tips and ideas to make this book the ultimate videoblogging crash course. So head for the checkout, grab fresh batteries for your video camera, and let's get started!Think Big A few of the things you'll learn to do: Choose your video's style and message. Create great-looking videos inexpensively. Edit like an expert. Host your video online, for free. Secrets of distribution and syndication. Subscribe to other videoblogs. Showcase your art. Tagging, tracking, and making money. Get involved in the community.


  Jay Dedman was a freelance photographer and a TV journalist for CNN International before he became co-creator of the Videoblogging Group in 2004. He is also a founding partner in FireAnt.tv. You can read his personal blog at www.momentshowing.net.


Part I: Preproduction
 Get the Vlog Mindset
 Get Your Tech On
 Starting a Blog
Part II: Production
 Tricks for Acquiring Video with a Camera
 Obtaining Video Without Leaving Your Computer
 Using Technology Creatively
Part III: Post-Production
 Editing Tricks
 Using Text in Video
 Transcoding and Compressing
 Creating Interactive Viseos
Part IV: Distribution
 Hosting Your Video
 Really Simple Syndication
 Getting Video into a Web Page
Part V: Find and Watch Videoblogs
 Finding and Subscribing to Videoblogs
 Watching Videoblogs
 Customizing Your Videoblog
Part VI: Pimp Your Vlog
 Tagging To Make Videos Stand Out
 Letting People Know About Your Feed
 Tracking Statistics
 Making Money
 Getting Involved
