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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络图形图像、多媒体、网页制作3D Studio MAX电脑三维艺术形象



定 价:¥80.00

作 者: Peter Weishar 著
出版社: 电子科技大学
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9780810949676 出版时间: 2004-11-01 包装: 精装
开本: 大16开 页数: 字数:  


  The computer-generated image (CGI) is one of the most astounding developments in the rapidly evolving field of digital technology. It allows for the creation of make-believe worlds and characters that are so realistic they fool the eye and the mind. Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, and feature-length 3D animations like Toy Story and Ice Age-films that have left audiences speechless, forever altering our expectations of what a movie can represent-owe their distinctive details, or even their entire creation, to computer-generated imaging. This spectacularly illustrated volume is the first book to consider CGI, from big-screen effects to full-length animated films, from games to fine art, as the art form of the 21st century. Focusing on 3D art only, the most exciting area of the field, the book features CGI's leading creators in film, television, games, and fine art, showcasing approximately 250 examples of their astonishing work in glorious reproductions. Author Peter Weishar, a professor and computer artist who is at the forefront of the field, brings both technical and aesthetic viewpoints to bear in this groundbreaking celebration of a major new art form. AUTHOR BIO: Peter Weishar is professor and dean of the School of Film and Digital Media, Savannah College of Art and Design. He is also an accomplished computer artist and animator and author of Abrams' Blue Sky: The Art of Computer Animation. Phil Tippett is a movie director and a visual effects supervisor who specializes in creature design and character animation. He has earned two Oscars and two Emmys.




